
我下面的脚本将从特定 URL 中获取完整的链接列表,以用于我的 dom 刮板。但是有些列表可以达到 1000 多个,所以我希望能够手动设置要实际抓取的链接。就像我输入从链接 50 开始并在列表中的链接 100 结束一样。我该怎么做?

<form action="" method="POST">
    <label>Url to scrape: </label>
    <input type="text" name="url_scrape" id="url-scrape" />
    <input type="submit" value=" Scrape now " />
    <br />

    <input type="hidden" name="scrape" value="yes" />
    <br />

<br />
<br />

if( $_POST['scrape'] != 'yes' )


function strim( $input ){

    $st = explode( '$', $input );

    return (float)str_replace( array(' ',','),array('',''), $st[1] );


$url_scrape = $_POST['url_scrape']; 

if( $url_scrape == '' )

$BrowsebyLetter = file_get_html( $url_scrape );

$links = $BrowsebyLetter->find('.Results a');

<h1 id="patient">Please be patient while scraping data</h1>

<div id="scrape-progress">
    <div id="scrape-progress-ctx">0%</div>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<div id="progress-txt"></div>
<br />
<br />
<button id="retry" onclick="iframe.src = ">Retry if not continue</button>
<iframe src="" id="cacheLoad"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var total = <?php echo count($links); ?>;
    var ctx = document.getElementById('scrape-progress-ctx');
    var iframe = document.getElementById('cacheLoad');
    var prx = document.getElementById('progress-txt');
    var pt = document.getElementById('patient');
    var retry = document.getElementById('retry');
    var currentLink = '';
    var links = [
    foreach( $links as $link ){

        echo "'".$link->href."',";

?>'Complete scrape <?php echo count($links); ?> links'  ];
    function progress( cur ){
        ctx.style.width = Math.ceil((cur/total)*100)+'%';
        ctx.innerHTML = Math.ceil((cur/total)*100)+'%';
    function exe( i ){
        progress( i );
        if( links[i] != 'Complete <?php echo count($links); ?> links' )
            currentLink = window.location+'&target='+links[i].split('Job=')[1]+'&cou='+(i+1);
            iframe.src = currentLink;
        if( i==total ){
            pt.innerHTML = 'Successful';
            pt.style.color = 'green';
            retry.style.display = 'none';
            alert('Scrape process is complete');
        prx.innerHTML = '<strong>Status: </strong>'+ links[i];
    exe( 0 );

1 回答 1



    var links = [
    $a = 0;
    foreach( $links as $link ){
        if(($a > 50) && ($a < 100)){
            echo "'".$link->href."',";

它将检查链接是否在 50 到 100 之间,如果是,它将打印出来。希望我有所帮助:)

于 2013-02-10T12:35:58.663 回答