好的,我的石头、纸、剪刀游戏正在运行。除了 Q 之外的其他所有操作都有效。由于我的扫描仪只接受整数,我如何将“Q”字符串传递给它。我假设我只是if(string.equals("Q") {break;}
在 while 循环中添加一个简单的,我会很高兴去。让我知道你的想法。
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class RockPaperScissors
* (Insert a brief description that describes the purpose of this method)
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)
int compint;
String usermove = "";
String compmove = "";
String winner = "";
int count = 0;
int input=0;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
Random gen = new Random();
System.out.print("Enter Rock(1), Paper(2), Scissors(3) {Q to quit]: ");
while (count < 3)
compint = gen.nextInt(3) + 1;
if (input == 1)
usermove = "Rock";
else if (input == 2)
usermove = "Paper";
else if (input == 3)
usermove = "Scissors";
if (compint == 1)
compmove = "Rock";
else if (compint == 2)
compmove = "Paper";
else if (compint == 3)
compmove = "Scissors";
if (compint == input)
winner = "TIE";
else if (compint == 1 && input == 3)
winner = "COMPUTER";
else if (compint == 2 && input == 1)
winner = "COMPUTER";
else if (compint == 3 && input == 2)
winner = "COMPUTER";
winner = "USER";
System.out.print("Computer: " + compmove + " | ");
System.out.print("You: " + usermove + " | ");
System.out.println("Winner: " + winner);
System.out.print("Enter Rock(1), Paper(2), Scissors(3) {Q to quit]: ");
input = in.nextInt();