我正在尝试创建一个仅使用一个滑块的颜色选择器。我知道这不会允许所有颜色,我将无法调整 alpha、色调和饱和度。那里有很多颜色选择器的例子。一种常见的颜色选择器涉及使用方形和线性光谱。正方形允许您更改色调和饱和度。我只想要线性光谱值。我很想用一些算法来做到这一点,但我想不出如何开始。最坏的情况是,我可以使用一个包含颜色的数组,只使用进度条的值作为索引。


2 回答 2



public int getColorFromProgress(int progress)
    int color1 = 0, color2 = 0, color = 0;
    float p = (float)progress;
    if(progress <= 10) /* black to red */
        color1 = 0;
        color2 = 0xff0000;  
        p = progress / 10.0f;
    else if(progress <= 25) /* red to yellow */
        color1 = 0xff0000;
        color2 = 0xffff00;  
        p = (progress - 10) / 15.0f;
    else if(progress <= 40) /* yellow to lime green */
        color1 = 0xffff00;
        color2 = 0x00ff00;  
        p = (progress - 25) / 15.0f;
    else if(progress <= 55) /* lime green to aqua */
        color1 = 0x00ff00;
        color2 = 0x00ffff;  
        p = (progress - 40) / 15.0f;
    else if(progress <= 70) /* aqua to blue */
        color1 = 0x00ffff;
        color2 = 0x0000ff;  
        p = (progress - 55) / 15.0f;
    else if(progress <= 90) /* blue to fuchsia */
        color1 = 0x0000ff;
        color2 = 0x00ff00;  
        p = (progress - 70) / 20.0f;
    else if(progress <= 98) /* fuchsia to white */
        color1 = 0x00ff00;
        color2 = 0xff00ff;  
        p = (progress - 90) / 8.0f;
        color1 = 0xffffff;
        color2 = 0xffffff;
        p = 1.0f;

    int r1 = (color1 >> 16) & 0xff;
    int r2 = (color2 >> 16) & 0xff;
    int g1 = (color1 >> 8) & 0xff;
    int g2 = (color2 >> 8) & 0xff;
    int b1 = (color1) & 0xff;
    int b2 = (color2) & 0xff;

    int r3 = (int) ((r2 * p) + (r1 * (1.0f-p)));
    int g3 = (int) (g2 * p + g1 * (1.0f-p));
    int b3 = (int) (b2 * p + b1 * (1.0f-p));

    color = r3 << 16 | g3 << 8 | b3;

    return color;
于 2013-02-10T07:43:58.717 回答


要用一个值表示所有颜色,蓝色需要 1 个字节,红色需要 1 个字节,绿色需要 1 个字节。


让滑块为 0 到 0xFFFFFF


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int color = 0x0aFF0b;

    int r = ((0xff << 4) & color) >> 4;
    int g = ((0xff << 2) & color) >> 2;
    int b = ((0xff) & color);

    printf("r: %x\n", r);
    printf("r: %x\n", g);
    printf("r: %x\n", b);

    return 0;


于 2013-02-10T05:23:35.820 回答