The following receives a proposed username, and returns the username if not used, or the username appended by the smallest integer if used. It works fine, but I just can't help wondering if it could be done just as well with a single method. What's got me stumped is the WHILE statement requires both $stmt->execute(...) and return $stmt->fetchColumn() as the conditional. I guess an anonymous function would work, but don't think this will allow the prepared statement to be used for each call. I am thinking a DO loop might work, but I don't have much experience with them and reading http://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.do.while.php implies I should "use goto operator instead of this hack." Please provide recommended way of doing this. Thanks

    class myClass
        public function createUsername($name)
            return $name.$i;
        private function openUsername($name)
            $sql='SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=?';
                $stmt = db::db()->prepare($sql);
                return $stmt->fetchColumn()?FALSE:TRUE;
            catch(PDOException $e){die(library::sql_error($e,$sql));}


2 回答 2



function createUsername($name) {
    // validate $name, for instance restrict to alphanumeric characters with preg_match
    $sql = "SELECT GREATEST(`username`) AS `out` FROM `users` 
         WHERE `username` REGEXP '^".$name."\d*$'";
    $result = // whatever code it takes for PDO to run the above query
    if( !$result) return $name; // nobody with that name yet
    $number = preg_replace("^.*(\d*)$","$1",$result['out']);
    if( !$number) return $name."1";
    return $name.($number+1);
于 2013-02-09T22:44:12.517 回答


public function createUsername($name)
        $sql='SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=?';
        $stmt = db::db()->prepare($sql);
        do {
            if(!$used) {$i=$i+1;}
        } while ($used);
    catch(PDOException $e){die(library::sql_error($e,$sql));}
    return $name.$i;
于 2013-02-09T23:17:54.597 回答