I'm trying to create my own Pebble watch faces. It appears no one has done this yet and there's no SDK.

So far I've figured out that the watch faces are hosted here: http://pebble-static.s3.amazonaws.com/watchfaces/index.html

Each watch face is a .pbw file which is a zip file. There's 3 files inside: app_resources.pbpack, manifest.json and pebble-app.bin.

The JSON file includes a list of all the parts of the watch face (images), which appears to be an app. The .bin file is probably the executable binary and the .pbpack file is probably a bundle of all the resources. I can't figure out how to extract the .pbpack file. I'm also not sure what to do with .bin file.

I'm trying to post my progress here: http://hackingpebble.tumblr.com

Any thoughts on what to do with the .pback and .bin files?


4 回答 4


SDK 现已上线。developer.getpebble.com

于 2013-04-12T19:46:19.647 回答

我已经开始在十六进制编辑器中查看 .pbpack 和 .bin ,这很奇怪。首先是 .pbpack,我注意到一些模式,在每个主要的位块之间,有一堆 0,然后是 45 00 54,我猜这就像一个分隔符。我尝试搜索文件的十六进制签名,看看我是否会幸运地发现它是一些晦涩的文件格式,但一无所获。现在有了 .bin,我想我无法通过十六进制编辑获得任何结果,但是我们确实知道它设计用于运行的处理器(ARM Cortex-M3),这意味着我们可以合理地假设使用为 arm 设计的反编译器处理器文件,我们可以读取它。我正在研究寻找一个,但是对于我做太多工作来说有点晚了,所以我想我会给你我目前所拥有的。


于 2013-02-11T05:22:21.317 回答

由于不再有 Pebble 公司,新的社区项目Rebble接手了。它在开发门户上有新的 SDK

于 2019-10-08T17:13:48.150 回答


于 2013-03-26T23:56:03.817 回答