我已经阅读了所有关于这个该死的控件(DataGridViewComboBoxCell)的类似帖子,并以编程方式设置它的值,但实施所有建议都没有奏效。我可能可以更改 UI 来解决这个问题,但我不喜欢被打败!
private void PopulateAreaForRoleAssociation()
// If businessRoleList is null then no data has been bound to the dgv so return
if (businessRoleList == null)
// Ensure businessArea repository is instantiated
if (businessAreaRepository == null)
businessAreaRepository = new BusinessAreaRespository();
// Get a reference to the combobox column of the dgv
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn comboBoxBusinessAreaColumn = (DataGridViewComboBoxColumn)dgvBusinessRole.Columns["BusinessArea"];
// Set Datasource properties to fill combobox
comboBoxBusinessAreaColumn.DisplayMember = "Name";
comboBoxBusinessAreaColumn.ValueMember = "Id";
comboBoxBusinessAreaColumn.ValueType = typeof(Guid);
// Fill combobox with businessarea objects from list out of repository
comboBoxBusinessAreaColumn.DataSource = businessAreaRepository.GetAll();
// loop through the businessRoles list which the dgv is bound to and get out each dgv row based upon the current id in the loop
businessRoleList.Cast<BusinessRole>().ToList().ForEach(delegate(BusinessRole currentRole)
DataGridViewRow currentRowForRole = dgvBusinessRole.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>().ToList().Find(row => ((BusinessRole)row.DataBoundItem).Id == currentRole.Id);
// Get a reference to the comboBox cell in the current row
DataGridViewComboBoxCell comboBoxCell = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)currentRowForRole.Cells[2];
// Not sure if this is necessary since these properties should be inherited from the combobox column properties
comboBoxCell.DisplayMember = "Name";
comboBoxCell.ValueMember = "Id";
comboBoxCell.ValueType = typeof(Guid);
// Get the business area for the current business role
BusinessArea currentAreaForRole = businessAreaRepository.FetchByRoleId(currentRole.Id);
// if the role has an associated area then set the value of the cell to be the appropriate item in the combobox
// and update the cell value
if (currentAreaForRole != null)
foreach (BusinessArea area in comboBoxCell.Items)
if (currentAreaForRole.Id == area.Id)
comboBoxCell.Value = area.Id;
dgvBusinessRole.UpdateCellValue(2, comboBoxCell.RowIndex);
dgv 首先绑定到包含 BusinessRole 对象的绑定列表,然后组合框列绑定到来自存储库类的 BusinessArea 对象的基本列表。然后我遍历 bindinglist 并拉出绑定到 bindinglist 循环中当前项目的 dgv 行。通过该行,我进行数据库调用以查看 BusinessRole 实体是否与 BusinessArea 实体相关联。如果是,那么我想选择包含 BusinessAreas 的组合框列中的项目。
没有数据错误,什么都没有。它只是拒绝使用我以编程方式设置的值更新 UI。