I'm looking to change my button colors and active colors of buttons in toolbar in sencha. After following some tutorial i got this.
My sample sass code:
@mixin sencha-toolbar-ui('toolbarcolour', #333333,'glossy') {
$toolbar-border-color: darken(#333333, 50%);
$toolbar-button-color: darken(#0088CC, 10%);
.x-toolbar-#{toolbarcolours} {
@include background-gradient(#333333, 'glossy');
.x-toolbar-title {
@include color-by-background(#FFFFFF);
@include bevel-by-background(#FFFFFF);
.x-button, .x-field-select .x-input-text, .x-field-select:before {
@include toolbar-button(#0088CC, 'glossy');
When compile the code using Compass I'm getting the following error:
error app.scss (Line 32: Invalid CSS after "...cha-toolbar-ui(": expected va
riable (e.g. $foo), was "'toolbarcolour'...")
Sass::SyntaxError on line ["32"] of D: Invalid CSS after "...cha-toolbar-ui(": e
xpected variable (e.g. $foo), was "'toolbarcolour'..."
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace.