我是 JQuery 的新手,我不敢相信这是不可能的......

我有多个动态创建的 HTML 表单。我正在使用 JQuery 从表单中捕获数据,但是当我提交表单时,我只能访问最后一个表单中的数据。


for($x=0; $x<10; $x++){

     <form method="POST" id="formid<? echo $x; ?>">
      <textarea name="notes_text"><? echo $row[2]; ?></textarea></td>
      <input type="hidden" value="<? echo $row[0]; ?>" name="notes_id" />
      <input type="image" src="/images/edit-small.png" id="update-notes-submit" class="submit-img-sml"/>            


和 jQuery:


     var form_id = $(this).closest("form").attr('id');  

     var notes_id=$('#formid1 input[name=notes_id]').val();
     var notes_text=$('#formid1 textarea[name=notes_text]').val();



如果我提醒 notes_id 或 notes_text 变量,我会得到“未定义”。


var notes_id=$('#formid1 input[name=notes_id]').val();
= undefined

var notes_id=$('#formid2 input[name=notes_id]').val();
= undefined

var notes_id=$('input[name=notes_id]').val();
= data from the last form that appears in my script

如何指定表单和变量。我不敢相信这很难实现,也许 JQuery 不可能做到这一点,如果是这样,这是一个令人震惊的限制。


4 回答 4


您假设表单 id 是formid1,但我感觉不是正在提交的那个。尝试以下操作:

     var form =$(this);//this refers to the form
     var notes_id=form.find('input[name=notes_id]').val();
     var notes_text=form.find('textarea[name=notes_text]').val();
于 2013-02-09T01:37:05.463 回答

Ok so I finally figured it out after about 8 hours of hammering away.

The problem was caused by the table tags which were in the wrong place. I was using this format:



 for($x=1; $x<=mysql_num_rows($notes); $x++){


      <form id="form<? echo $x; ?>">

        <td width="150"><b>Text 1</b></td>
        <td colpsan="3"><textarea name="txtarea">Some text</textarea></td>

      <input type="hidden" value="<? echo $row[0]; ?>" name="notes_id" />        





But if I placed the table opening and closing tags within the for loop it solved the problem:


 for($x=1; $x<=mysql_num_rows($notes); $x++){



       <form id="form<? echo $x; ?>">

         <td width="150"><b>Text 1</b></td>
         <td colpsan="3"><textarea name="txtarea">Some text</textarea></td>

       <input type="hidden" value="<? echo $row[0]; ?>" name="notes_id" />        





I'm not sure why this works, because as far as I can see this simply creates a table for each form, where as previously a single table was used.

Thank you so much for your help - it is appareciated!

于 2013-02-11T18:10:03.180 回答

去掉多余的</td></textarea>。它与表单外部匹配,因此表单元素也被终止。结果,元素不在表单内。看看检查器中的 DOM,你会发现这是多么混乱。

于 2013-02-09T02:32:18.527 回答


var notes_id=$('#formid1 input[name=notes_id]').val();
var notes_text=$('#formid1 textarea[name=notes_text]').val();

var notes_id=$('#formid1 input[name="notes_id"]').val();
var notes_text=$('#formid1 textarea[name="notes_text"]').val();


于 2013-02-09T01:48:22.923 回答