

#include <stdio.h>

int bitCount (unsigned int n);

int main () {
    printf ("# 1-bits in base 2 representation of %u = %d, should be 0\n",
        0, bitCount (0));
    printf ("# 1-bits in base 2 representation of %u = %d, should be 1\n",
        1, bitCount (1));
    printf ("# 1-bits in base 2 representation of %u = %d, should be 16\n",
        2863311530u, bitCount (2863311530u));
    printf ("# 1-bits in base 2 representation of %u = %d, should be 1\n",
        536870912, bitCount (536870912));
    printf ("# 1-bits in base 2 representation of %u = %d, should be 32\n",
        4294967295u, bitCount (4294967295u));
    return 0;

int bitCount (unsigned int n) {
    /* your code here */


# 1-bits in base 2 representation of 0 = 1, should be 0
# 1-bits in base 2 representation of 1 = 56, should be 1
# 1-bits in base 2 representation of 2863311530 = 57, should be 16
# 1-bits in base 2 representation of 536870912 = 67, should be 1
# 1-bits in base 2 representation of 4294967295 = 65, should be 32

RUN SUCCESSFUL (total time: 14ms)


在 C 中返回其无符号整数参数的二进制表示形式的位数的最佳方法是什么?


3 回答 3


这是一个不需要迭代的解决方案。它利用了这样一个事实,即在二进制中添加位完全独立于位的位置,并且总和永远不会超过 2 位。00+00=00, 00+01=01, 01+00=01, 01+01=10. 第一次添加同时添加 16 个不同的 1 位值,第二次添加 8 个 2 位值,之后每个添加一半,直到只剩下一个值。

int bitCount(unsigned int n)
    n = ((0xaaaaaaaa & n) >> 1) + (0x55555555 & n);
    n = ((0xcccccccc & n) >> 2) + (0x33333333 & n);
    n = ((0xf0f0f0f0 & n) >> 4) + (0x0f0f0f0f & n);
    n = ((0xff00ff00 & n) >> 8) + (0x00ff00ff & n);
    n = ((0xffff0000 & n) >> 16) + (0x0000ffff & n);
    return n;

这是硬编码为 32 位整数,如果您的大小不同,则需要调整。

于 2014-11-21T21:35:33.523 回答
 int bitCount(unsigned int n) {

    int counter = 0;
    while(n) {
        counter += n % 2;
        n >>= 1;
    return counter;
于 2013-02-08T20:45:54.363 回答


下面的 impl (我学过的)只是循环在每次迭代中敲掉最低有效位。

int bitCount(unsigned int n) {

  int counter = 0;
  while(n) {
    counter ++;
    n &= (n - 1);
  return counter;
于 2013-07-17T18:51:24.040 回答