我有以下 XML 文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <node id="0" label="0" start="0" end="25"/>
      <node id="1" label="1" start="1"/>
      <node id="2" label="2" start="2"/>
      <edge id="0" source="0" target="1" start="7" end="19"/>
      <edge id="1" source="0" target="2" start="8" end="20"/>

我想用 and 删除边缘的startand属性。endsource="0"target="1"

我尝试这样做的方式是在以下代码中。假设 XML 文件名为ptree_test.gexf我读入它,在树中找到正确的边,然后尝试使用erase来摆脱属性。

#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using boost::property_tree::ptree;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  ptree pt;

  read_xml("ptree_test.gexf", pt);

  // Now find edge (0, 1) and delete the start and end attributes
  ptree edge;
  int id1, id2;
  id1 = 0;
  id2 = 1;

  for(auto &e : pt.get_child("gexf.graph.edges")) {
    int s, t;
    s = e.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.source");
    t = e.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.target");

    // Check if this is the correct edge
    // Two checks because it can be reversed
    if((id1 == s && id2 == t) || (id1 == t && id2 == s)) {
      edge = e.second;

  for(auto & attr : edge.get_child("<xmlattr>")) {
    if(attr.first == "end" || attr.first == "start") {

  write_xml(std::cout, pt);
  return 0;



2 回答 2


在回答之前,我想再次劝阻您不要将 Boost.PropertyTree 用作快速而肮脏的 XML 处理系统。请使用真正的 XML 解析器;有很多可供选择,有些非常有效,几乎不需要依赖维护。

无论如何,您的问题来自您对erase. 您正试图从您正在迭代的列表中删除一个元素。那是行不通的。并非没有为您的循环进行特殊编码。

所以你不能在这里使用基于范围的 for 循环。您必须在迭代器上使用真正的 for 循环。

auto &children = edge.get_child();
for(auto &attrIt = children.begin(); attrIt != children.end();)
  auto &attr = *attrIt;
  //Do stuff here.

  if(attr.first == "end" || attr.first == "start")
    attrIt = children.erase(attrIt);
于 2013-02-08T22:09:02.500 回答


  edge = e.second;

然后修改该副本而不是原始副本。后来,正如@NicolBolas 所说,您需要一个交互器来erase. 完整的代码如下所示:

int main(){
        boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
        read_xml("ptree_test.gexf", pt, boost::property_tree::xml_parser::trim_whitespace);
        int id1, id2;
        id1 = 0;
        id2 = 1;
        for(auto &e : pt.get_child("gexf.graph.edges")) {
            int s, t;
            s = e.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.source");
            t = e.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.target");
            // Check if this is the correct edge
            // Two checks because it can be reversed
            if((id1 == s && id2 == t) || (id1 == t && id2 == s)){
                auto &children = e.second.get_child("<xmlattr>");
                for(auto attrIt = children.begin(); attrIt != children.end(); ++attrIt){
                  if(attrIt->first == "end" || attrIt->first == "start")
                    attrIt = children.erase(attrIt);
                break; // maybe shouldn't be here to keep looking?
        write_xml("ptree_test_copy.gexf", pt, std::locale(), bpt::xml_writer_settings<std::string>{'\t', 1});


于 2016-01-02T18:56:53.343 回答