我正在使用 Python3 和包请求来获取 HTML 数据。


r = requests.get('https://github.com/timeline.json')


request = requests.get('http://www.math.ksu.edu/events/grad_conf_2013/')


AttributeError: 'MockRequest' object has no attribute 'unverifiable' 
Error in sys.excepthook:

我认为这些错误与我尝试获取的网页类型有关,因为正在运行的 html 页面只是我编写的基本 html。

一般来说,我对请求和 Python 很陌生。我也是stackoverflow的新手。


1 回答 1


作为一个小例子,这是我开发的一个小工具,用于从网站获取数据,在本例中为 IP 并显示它:

# Import the requests module
# TODO: Make sure to install it first
import requests

# Get the raw information from the website
r = requests.get('http://whatismyipaddress.com')
raw_page_source_list = r.text
text = ''

# Join the whole list into a single string in order
# to simplify things
text = text.join(raw_page_source_list)

# Get the exact starting position of the IP address string
ip_text_pos = text.find('IP Information') + 62

# Now extract the IP address and store it
ip_address = text[ip_text_pos : ip_text_pos + 12]

# print 'Your IP address is: %s' % ip_address
#           or, for Python 3 ...            #
# print('Your IP address is: %s' % ip_address)
于 2013-05-09T06:56:51.547 回答