

public enum SomeEnum {
    VAL1, VAL2;

public @interface SomeAnnotation {
    SomeEnum someValue();

//below starts all fuzzy things : I want a specific value of enum 
public class parent<FetchType> {// not sure what exactly should write between  < >

    // below,at someValue I want the specific enum passed by child , means
    // the value passed between < and > 
    @SomeAnnotation(someValue = null /* here  should be the specific enum value passed 
    as type parameter of this class */) 
    private String someString;
//as i said , for child1 , i need SomeEnum.VAL1 to be passed to parent and
// SomeEnum.VAL2 for child2.
public class child1 extends parent<SomeEnum.VAL1>{}
public class child2 extends parent<SomeEnum.VAL2>{}

1 回答 1



interface NotEnum  {
  interface Val1 extends NotEnum {}
  interface Val2 extends NotEnum {}

class Parent<T extends NotEnum> {...}

class Child1 extends Parent<NotEnum.Val1> {...}
class Child2 extends Parent<NotEnum.Val2> {...}
于 2013-02-08T18:39:45.570 回答