SOLVED - I have found a solution using a well know hacking technique to inject the relevant code (without actually hacking anything!).
I have my domain name at and free webspace at freehostingEU, with framed web forwarding on to maintain my domain name in the free space. To solve the problem of the frame blocking the viewport meta tag on the site, go into the web forwarding options in somewhere like where you can usually set your meta title, meta desc, meta author etc, and inject the following code into one of the boxes where you are allowed to enter some meta data for your framed page e.g. meta author and insert:-
your-author-name"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0,
which will then put the viewport code into the frame forwarding page straight after the meta author. And it works, because I have just done it on 123-reg and it works great!