uint8_t *buf = calloc(65, sizeof(uint8_t));
id stream = [OCMockObject niceMockForClass:[NSInputStream class]];
[[stream expect] read:buf maxLength:64];
id myStream = [[MyStream alloc] initWithStream:stream];
// myStream should pass read:maxLength: call through to stream
[myStream read:buf maxLength:64];
STAssertNoThrow([stream verify], @"Did not pass call through");
这是-[MyStream read:maxLength:]
- (NSInteger)read:(uint8_t *)buffer maxLength:maxLength {
// internalStream is the stream passed to -initWithStream:
return [self.internalStream read:buffer maxLength:maxLength];
当我在模拟流上调用 -read:maxLength: 时,我得到“不支持参数类型'*'”。例外。是否可以期待具有特定指针参数值的调用?
看起来这个问题可能特定于 char * (或 uint8_t )参数。Objective C @encodes 将它们编码为 ' ' 并且 OCMock 的类型处理代码只将 '^' 编码的值视为指针。我尝试过黑客攻击+[OCMArg resolveSpecialValues:]
和-[NSInvocation getArgumentAtIndexAsObject:]
(在 NSInvocation+OCMAdditions.m 中)将 '*' 视为与 '^' 相同。这已经停止了异常,但我的期望仍然没有得到满足。