我正在使用异步读取带有 c# 的 USB 设备。我正在使用文件流来做到这一点。当我执行 FileStream.BeginRead 时。它似乎没有做回调。这可能是什么问题?


 /// <summary>
    /// Initialises the device
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strPath">Path to the device</param>
    private void Initialise(String strPath)
        // Create the file from the device path
        SafeHandle = CreateFile(strPath, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite, IntPtr.Zero, FileMode.Open, 
            EFileAttributes.Overlapped, IntPtr.Zero);
        if (SafeHandle != null) // if the open worked...
            IntPtr lpData;
            if (HidD_GetPreparsedData(SafeHandle, out lpData))
                // get windows to read the device data into an internal buffer
                    HidCaps hidCaps;
                    HidP_GetCaps(lpData, out hidCaps); // extract the device capabilities from the internal buffer
                    InputReportLength = hidCaps.InputReportByteLength; // get the input...
                    OutputReportLength = hidCaps.OutputReportByteLength; // ... and output report lengths
                    FileStream = new FileStream((SafeFileHandle) SafeHandle, FileAccess.ReadWrite, InputReportLength,
                                                true); // wrap the file handle in a .Net file stream
                    BeginAsyncRead(); // kick off the first asynchronous read
                    HidD_FreePreparsedData(ref lpData);
                        // before we quit the function, we must free the internal buffer reserved in GetPreparsedData
            else // GetPreparsedData failed? Chuck an exception
                throw HidDeviceException.GenerateWithWinError("GetPreparsedData failed");
        else    // File open failed? Chuck an exception
            SafeHandle = null;
            throw HidDeviceException.GenerateWithWinError("Failed to create device file");


       /// <summary>
    /// Kicks off an asynchronous read which completes when data is read or when the device
    /// is disconnected. Uses a callback.
    /// </summary>
    private void BeginAsyncRead()
        Byte[] buffer = new Byte[InputReportLength];
        // put the buff we used to receive the stuff as the async state then we can get at it when the read completes
        FileStream.BeginRead(buffer, 0, InputReportLength, ReadCompleted, buffer);


        /// <summary>
    /// Callback for above. Care with this as it will be called on the background thread from the async read
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="iResult">Async result parameter</param>
    private void ReadCompleted(IAsyncResult iResult)
        Byte[] buffer = (Byte[])iResult.AsyncState; // retrieve the read buffer
            FileStream.EndRead(iResult);    // call end read : this throws any exceptions that happened during the read
                HandleDataReceived(buffer); // pass the new input report on to the higher level handler
                BeginAsyncRead();   // when all that is done, kick off another read for the next report
        catch (IOException) // if we got an IO exception, the device was removed
            if (OnDeviceRemoved != null)
                OnDeviceRemoved(this, new EventArgs());

更新我想知道我在 devicePath 中是否做错了

        /// <summary>
    /// Helper method to return the device path given a DeviceInterfaceData structure and an InfoSet handle.
    /// Used in 'FindDevice' so check that method out to see how to get an InfoSet handle and a DeviceInterfaceData.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hInfoSet">Handle to the InfoSet</param>
    /// <param name="oInterface">DeviceInterfaceData structure</param>
    /// <returns>The device path or null if there was some problem</returns>
    private static string GetDevicePath(IntPtr hInfoSet, ref DeviceInterfaceData oInterface)
        uint nRequiredSize = 0;
        // Get the device interface details
        if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hInfoSet, ref oInterface, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref nRequiredSize, IntPtr.Zero))
            DeviceInterfaceDetailData oDetail = new DeviceInterfaceDetailData();

            oDetail.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) == 4 ? 8 : 5; // check if is a 64 bit

            if (SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(hInfoSet, ref oInterface, ref oDetail, nRequiredSize, ref nRequiredSize, IntPtr.Zero))
                return oDetail.DevicePath;
        return null;

3 回答 3



public void LoadFile(string fileName)
    currentFileStream = new FileStream("Foo.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 1024 * 8, true);
    buffer = new byte[currentFileStream.Length];
    currentFileStream.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, FileReadComplete, currentFileStream);

private void FileReadComplete(IAsyncResult result)
    // do your code
于 2013-02-08T15:36:26.907 回答
// Create a synchronization object that gets  
// signaled when verification is complete.
ManualResetEvent manualEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

// Create random data to write to the file. 
byte[] writeArray = new byte[100000];
new Random().NextBytes(writeArray);

FileStream fStream = 
    new FileStream("Test#@@#.dat", FileMode.Create, 
    FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None, 4096, true);

// Check that the FileStream was opened asynchronously.
Console.WriteLine("fStream was {0}opened asynchronously.",
    fStream.IsAsync ? "" : "not ");

// Asynchronously write to the file.
IAsyncResult asyncResult = fStream.BeginWrite(
    writeArray, 0, writeArray.Length, 
    new AsyncCallback(EndWriteCallback), 
    new State(fStream, writeArray, manualEvent));

// Concurrently do other work and then wait  
// for the data to be written and verified.
manualEvent.WaitOne(5000, false);
于 2014-08-20T19:30:29.670 回答


class Program
    static Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1024];

    public static void Main()
        FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead("data.txt");
        fileStream.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(FileReadCallback), fileStream);


    public static void FileReadCallback(IAsyncResult result)
        FileStream fileStream = (FileStream)result.AsyncState;

        foreach (Byte b in buffer)


虽然这种方法有效,但它是非常古老的 C++ 风格。写这样的东西要容易得多:

    public static void Main()
        using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead("data.txt"))
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
            // This will read a single line of text
            String line = reader.ReadLine();


    public static void Main()

    public static void ThisWillExecuteOnAnotherThread()
        using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead("data.txt"))
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
            // This will read a single line of text
            String line = reader.ReadLine();




class Program
    static byte[] buffer;
    static int InputReportLength = 1024;
    static FileStream fileStream;
    public static void Main()

    private static void BeginAsyncRead()
        buffer = new Byte[InputReportLength];
        fileStream = File.OpenRead("Data.txt");

        // put the buff we used to receive the stuff as the async state then we can get at it when the read completes
        fileStream.BeginRead(buffer, 0, InputReportLength, ReadCompleted, buffer);

    private static void ReadCompleted(IAsyncResult iResult)
        Byte[] buffer = (Byte[])iResult.AsyncState; // retrieve the read buffer




FileStream FileStream = ....


于 2013-02-08T15:35:35.640 回答