I am working on a C# application which consists of some context menus that have an ability to communicate with my website via WebClient()
. The options work when they are clicked.
Once my app is opened, it stays open in the tray and it doesn't show in the taskbar/toolbar (the bar in the bottom where open programs stay). It's basically a background application that runs continuously.
There is a section in the context menu named Upload which includes Upload from Computer and Window screenshot. These are the two items that I want to be accessed via keyboard shortcuts. It shouldn't matter where the user is, once he clicks the set keyboard keys, he will trigger the application's _Click
event for a certain context menu.
Final question: How do I make global keyboard shortcuts to trigger some context menus item _Click
It would be good is someone could explain a bit more broadly how to achieve this. I'm into C# for a short time (1 month learning it, 2 weeks using it) and I am having trouble understanding code just pasted here.
This is one of the click events I want to associate with a keyboard shortcut:
private void menu_upload_file_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult dialogOpened = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
if (dialogOpened == DialogResult.OK)
string filename = openFileDialog1.FileName;