我使用基于 DFS 的算法来计算大图中的强分量。该算法在小图上运行良好,但我在大图上遇到问题。因此,在 DFS 函数程序的大约 28 K 次递归调用之后,它就会挂起。VS2010 给我一条消息 VS is busy, no crashs no errors。为了弄清楚发生了什么,我打印了一些信息(由于速度低,无法在调试中运行)。我发现程序挂在位置 4 并且没有到达位置 1(观看代码)。

// Main DFS function
void DFS(vector<Edge>& graph, int source_node, bool *vertex_visited, pair<int, int>& direction){

    cout << "\r" << "Position 1" << std::flush;
    // mark vertex as visited
    vertex_visited[source_node - 1] = false;
    // array for all neighbour edges 
    vector<vector<Edge>::iterator> all_neighbours;

    // doesent matter 
    if (direction.second){

    // binary search of edges incident with source vertex
    pair<vector<Edge>::iterator, bool> itera = find_if_binary_for_edges(graph.begin(), graph.end(), source_node);
    cout << "\r" << "Position 2" << std::flush;

    // push all incident edges to all_neighbours vector
    if (itera.second){
        pair<vector<Edge>::iterator, vector<Edge>::iterator> bounds = find_all_in_range(itera.first, graph);
        vector<Edge>::iterator it = bounds.first;
        while (it != bounds.second){

    cout << "\r" << "Position 3" << std::flush;

    // if this vertex wasn't visited in the past cal DFS from neighbour vertex
    for (vector<vector<Edge>::iterator>::iterator it = all_neighbours.begin(); it != all_neighbours.end(); ++it){
        if (vertex_visited[(**it)[1] - 1]){
            cout << "\r" << "Position 4" << std::flush;
            DFS(graph, (**it)[1], vertex_visited, direction);

    // need this stuff for SCC computation
    cout << "\r" << "Position 5" << std::flush;
    if (direction.first)
        finishing_times[finishing_times_counter++] = source_node;

所以我不知道接下来要做什么,接下来我需要执行哪些调试步骤...?在位置 4 程序必须再次调用 DFS 然后打印“位置 1”但它不会发生。因为它可能是什么?图有大约 857K 个顶点和 5 * 10^6 条边。谢谢。


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