我正在尝试编写一个生成二维迷宫的程序。迷宫的主体是一个 2-d int 数组。边界单元格的值为 2。阻塞单元格(墙)的值为 1,空单元格(路径)的值为 0。最初,我将所有单元格的值设置为 1。然后,从在顶行的随机列中,我在迷宫中移动,将当前单元格设置为 0,直到到达底行。

这一切都很好,除了,而不是单行路径,我经常以大范围的 0 结束。因此,我尝试添加到 if 语句以防止它在其周围的单元格已经为零时将单元格标记为零。不幸的是,我的逻辑存在一些缺陷,导致程序在我运行时永远运行而没有打印任何内容。请帮我找出那个缺陷。



package RoboProj;

import java.util.Random;

public class Maze {
public int[][] grid;
final int width, height;

public Maze() {
    width = 20;
    height = 20;
    grid = new int[width][height];


public void makeMaze() {
    //* empty = 0, wall = 1, border = 2, travelled =3;

    //mark borders
    for (int curr = 0; curr < height; curr++) {
        grid[0][curr] = 2;  //top
        grid[curr][0]=2; //left
        grid[height -1][curr] = 2; //bottom
        grid[curr][width-1] = 2; //right
    //initially mark all cells as walls
    for (int row = 1; row < height-1; row++){
        for (int col = 1; col < width-1; col++){

    int row = 0;
    Random r = new Random();
    int col =  r.nextInt(width);

    grid[row][col] = 0;

    while (row != height-1){
        int next = r.nextInt(4);
        if (next == 0 && row-1 > 0 && grid[row-1][col-1] == 1 && grid[row-1][col+1] == 1){
            row = row-1;
          //  System.out.print(next);
        if (next == 1 && grid[row+1][col-1] == 1 && grid[row+1][col+1] == 1){
            row = row+1;
           // System.out.print(next);
        if (next == 2&& col-1 > 0 && grid[row+1][col-1] == 1 && grid[row-1][col-1] == 1){
            col = col-1;
                  //     System.out.print(next);
        if (next == 3 && col+1 < width-1 && grid[row-1][col+1] == 1 && grid[row+1][col+1] == 1){
            col = col+1;
                   //     System.out.print(next);

@Anupam Saini:我正在寻找这样的东西,其中“途径”的宽度永远不会超过一个单元格。

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1 回答 1


我对您的代码进行了一些修改,使其更具可读性。我使用 switch case 语句来表示迷宫中的移动,0 表示左转 i 表示右转,2 表示向下移动。这




    import java.util.Random;

    public class Maze {
    private final int[][] grid;
    private final int width, height;

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Maze mz = new Maze(20, 20);

    private void generateDefaultMaze() {
        // * empty = 0, wall = 1, border = 2, travelled =3;

        // mark borders
        for (int curr = 0; curr < height; curr++) {
            grid[0][curr] = 2; // top
            grid[curr][0] = 2; // left
            grid[height - 1][curr] = 2; // bottom
            grid[curr][width - 1] = 2; // right
        // initially mark all cells as walls
        for (int row = 1; row < height - 1; row++) {
            for (int col = 1; col < width - 1; col++) {
                grid[row][col] = 1;


    public Maze(int width, int height) {
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        grid = new int[width][height];

     * Overridden method to generate a human readable maze state.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1024);
        for (int i = 0; i < this.width; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.height; j++) {
        return sb.toString();

     * Row pointer can either move left or right and it's value should be
     * between 0 and width. In case of 0 value at this grid[row][col] do not
     * move the pointer.
     * @param row The row pointer value.
     * @param col The column pointer value.
     * @return
    private boolean isValidTurn(int row, int col) {
        if (row >= 0 && row < width && !(this.grid[col][row] == 0)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public void moveMouse() {
        Random r = new Random();
        int row = r.nextInt(width);
        int col = 0;

        grid[col][row] = 0;
        // System.out.println(this);
        while (col < (this.height - 1)) {
            // Assuming the mouse moves in only 3 directions left right or down
            // in the maze. 0 indicates left turn 1 indicates right turn and
            // 2 indicates down movement in the maze.
            int nextDir = r.nextInt(3);
            switch (nextDir) {
            case 0: // left turn
                if (this.isValidTurn((row - 1), col)) {
                    this.grid[col][row] = 0;
            case 1: // right turn
                if (this.isValidTurn((row + 1), col)) {
                    this.grid[col][row] = 0;
            case 2: // down movement
                this.grid[col][row] = 0;
            System.out.println("turn : " + nextDir);
            // System.out.println(this);
于 2013-02-08T14:50:49.470 回答