我有一个摩托罗拉 DroidX,我想用它来测试我在 Worklight 下运行的 Javascript 应用程序。DroidX 运行的是 Android 2.3.4。我的 Worklight 项目针对 Android-8 (Android 2.2) 进行了配置。我按照教程下载了 Goggle USB 驱动程序并将其包含在 Windows 7 设备驱动程序搜索中。我还下载并安装了最新的摩托罗拉 USB 驱动程序。我想我现在有合适的驱动程序来处理 DroidX 的 USB。我更改了我的 DroidX 设置以包括 USB 调试,并且我尝试使用 PC 模式和 MASS 存储连接到 Worklight。我发出了 ADB devices 命令,它显示 Android 设备已连接到 PC。但是,当我执行 Build All 和 Deploy 时,我从来没有得到任何 DroidX 的部署对话框......看起来我'

我该如何进行调试 - 出了什么问题?


1 回答 1


Did you add an Android environment to your app?

After hitting "Build All and Deploy", are you going to the Android native project (it should be a folder below your WL project) and right-click "Run As > Android Application"?

After you do all that, do you get an errors/warnings in the console or in LogCat?

Can you see LogCat?

Finally, to make sure this is a WL issue, can you please create a Native HelloWorld Android app, and see if you can deploy that into your Droid X from your Eclipse environment. You may have an issue that has nothing to do with WL.

于 2013-02-08T04:58:18.833 回答