Is the Android documentation for canvas.drawBitmap wrong? It says:
public void drawBitmap (Bitmap bitmap, float left, float top, Paint paint)
Draw the specified bitmap, with its top/left corner at (x,y), using the specified paint, transformed by the current matrix.
Well, x and y don’t seem to be floats, they’re ints; is that correct?
Say I want to overlay the bitmap (which is the size of the available screen, and is bound to a canvas of the same) over the whole available screen. It seems sensible I would:
canvas.drawBitmap(myBitmap, 0, 0, mPaint);
doesn’t it?
But that doesn’t work. What does seem to work is:
canvas.drawBitmap(myBitmap, 2000000, 1000000, mPaint)
Now that statement seems to me to tell the bitmap that it should draw itself a huge distance
Outside the screen! What am I missing here?