Let's say I have an Account class and an AccountReport class. In accounts#show I want to show a report of an account. Both Account and AccountReport have a number of public methods. Which technique of the following techniques is better?
1) Instantiate an Account and an AccountReport, initializing the AccountReport with the account data.
class AccountsController < ActionController::Base
def show
@account = current_user.account
@account_report = AccountReport.new(@account.orders)
# ...
2) Allow an instance of Account to instantiate AccountReport and delegate method calls
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_reader :account_report
delegate :method_a, :method_b, :method_c, :method_d, :to => :account_report
after_initialize :setup_account_report
def setup_account_report
@account_report = AccountReport.new(orders)
# ...
Option 2 seems to be a cleaner approach to me but loading up Account with lots of methods makes it feel like a God class.