我正在尝试将多部分表单数据从 Web 客户端上传到 Spring MVC 控制器。我在“Spring”实现中搜索以下 curl 命令:
curl -v -X POST -F "logo=@walmart.jpg" -F "id=12345" -F "name=Walmart" http://localhost:8080/api/cardprovider/logo
请注意:我不是通过 html 表单上传表单,这不是我想要实现的。
- 您会按照本 博客中的说明使用 Apache Commons HttpClient吗?
- 或者是否有一种“春天”的魔法图书馆可以帮助我做到这一点?
我花了几天时间寻找使用 Spring 库的解决方案,但 Spring 手册中的所有示例都指的是 html 表单上传,或者非常基本和简单,只有基本文本。
Spring 对我来说相当新,但是里面有这么多很棒的库,如果 Spring 的人不会想到让上传多部分数据变得更容易的东西,我会感到惊讶(看起来好像它会是从表格发送)。
上面的 curl 命令与以下服务器端代码一起成功运行:
public class CardproviderLogoResourceController {
@Resource(name = "cardproviderLogoService")
private CardproviderLogoService cardproviderLogoService;
* Used to upload a binary logo of a Cardprovider through a Multipart request. The id is provided as form element.
* <p/>
* Example to upload a file using curl:
* curl -v -X POST -F "image=@star.jpg" -F "id=12345" -F "name=Walmart" http://localhost:8080/api/cardprovider/logo
* <p/>
* @param logo the Multipart request
* @param id the Cardprovider id
* @param name the Cardprovider name
@RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void storeCardproviderLogo(@RequestParam(value = "logo", required = false) MultipartFile logo,
@RequestParam(value = "name") String name,
@RequestParam(value = "id") String id) throws IOException {
cardproviderLogoService.storeLogo(logo, id, name);
这是我的服务类,它将 Multipart 请求存储到 GridFS 数据库中:
public class CardproviderLogoService {
GridFsOperations gridOperation;
* Create the logo in MongoDB GridFS with the data returned from the Multipart
* <p/>
* @param logo the MultipartFile content
* @param id the Cardprovider id
* @param name the Cardprovider name
* @return true if the image can be saved in the database, else false
public Boolean storeLogo(MultipartFile logo, String id, String name) {
Boolean save_state = false;
BasicDBObject metadata = new BasicDBObject();
metadata.put("cardproviderId", id);
metadata.put("cardproviderName", name);
metadata.put("contentType", logo.getContentType());
metadata.put("fileName", createLogoFilename(name, logo.getOriginalFilename()));
metadata.put("originalFilename", logo.getOriginalFilename());
metadata.put("dirShortcut", "cardproviderLogo");
metadata.put("filePath", "/resources/images/cardproviders/logos/");
try {
metadata.getString("fileName").toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-"),
save_state = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
.log(Level.SEVERE, "Storage of Logo failed!", ex);
return save_state;
* Creates the new filename before storing the file in MongoDB GridFS. The filename is created by taking the
* name of the Cardprovider, lowercase the name and replace the whitespaces with dashes. At last the file
* extension is added that was provided by the original filename.
* <p/>
* @param name the Cardprovider name
* @param originalFilename the original filename
* @return the new filename as String
private String createLogoFilename(String name, String originalFilename) {
String cpName = name.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-");
String extension = "";
int i = originalFilename.lastIndexOf('.');
if (i > 0 && i < originalFilename.length() - 1) {
extension = originalFilename.substring(i + 1).toLowerCase();
return cpName + "." + extension;
我可以通过以下方式解决问题。我有我的 HtmlController,它采用 Input 形式并建立与 RestController 的连接以传输文件。
下面是 HtmlController 的方法:
@RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String addCardprovider(
@ModelAttribute("cardproviderAttribute") Cardprovider cardprovider,
Model model) {
// Prepare acceptable media type
List<MediaType> acceptableMediaTypes = new ArrayList<MediaType>();
// Prepare header
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
// Pass the new person and header
HttpEntity<Cardprovider> entity = new HttpEntity<Cardprovider>(
cardprovider, headers);
// Send the request as POST
try {
// Save Cardprovider details
ResponseEntity<Cardprovider> response = restTemplate.exchange(
"http://localhost:8080/api/cardprovider", HttpMethod.POST,
entity, Cardprovider.class);
// Save Cardprovider logo
String tempDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
File file = new File(tempDir + "/" + cardprovider.getLogo().getOriginalFilename());
MultiValueMap<String, Object> parts = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>();
parts.add("id", response.getBody().getId());
parts.add("name", response.getBody().getName());
parts.add("logo", new FileSystemResource(file));
restTemplate.postForLocation("http://localhost:8080/api/cardprovider/logo", parts);
} catch (Exception e) {
// This will redirect to /web/cardprovider/getall
return "redirect:/web/cardprovider/getall";