4 回答
函数将更改从 VM 传递到 UI 元素(Redactor 元素),init
并将更改从 Redactor 传递回 VM。
当我发布此内容时,它是为 Redactor 9 发布的,我现在已经为 Redactor 10 更新了它。
ko.bindingHandlers.redactor = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var value = valueAccessor();
// We only want Redactor to notify our value of changes if the value
// is an observable (rather than a string, say).
if (ko.isObservable(value)) {
changeCallback: value
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
// New value, note that Redactor expects the argument passed to 'set'
// to have toString method, which is why we disjoin with ''.
var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()) || '';
// We only call 'set' if the content has changed, as we only need to
// to do so then, and 'set' also resets the cursor position, which
// we don't want happening all the time.
// This code would work with Redactor 9, but no longer works with Redactor 10
//if (value !== $(element).redactor('get')) {
// $(element).redactor('set', value);
// The API method has become 'code.get', and it behaves a bit differently: it
// returns formatted HTML, i.e. with whitespace and EOLs. That means that we
// would update the Redactor content every time the observable changed, which
// was bad. So instead we can use this:
if (value !== $(element).redactor('core.getTextarea').val()) {
$(element).redactor('code.set', value );
如果要使用 Redactor 编辑的内容的 KO observable 是,content
<textarea data-bind="redactor: content"></textarea>
要使上述内容与 Redactor 10 一起使用,您必须进行一些更改。首先,您必须使用“code.set”和“code.get”,而不是简单的“set”和“get”来与 HTML 交互。但是如果你只这样做,你会发现'code.get'返回的HTML
ko.bindingHandlers.imperavi =
init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings)
var startValue = allBindings().value();
var $el = $(element);
changeCallback: function(html)
在 HTML 中:
<textarea data-bind="value: Text, imperavi: true"></textarea>
var VM = function()
this.Text = ko.observable('<p>Hello world</p>');
var vm = new VM();
我已经更新了 dvijaz 的 Redactor 10 版本以支持新的 Redactor 2 版本(感谢 dvijaz!):
ko.bindingHandlers.redactor = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var value = valueAccessor();
// We only want Redactor to notify our value of changes if the value
// is an observable (rather than a string, say).
if (ko.isObservable(value)) {
$(element).redactor({ callbacks: { change: value } });
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
// New value, note that Redactor expects the argument passed to 'set'
// to have toString method, which is why we disjoin with ''.
var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()) || '';
// We only call 'set' if the content has changed, as we only need to
// to do so then, and 'set' also resets the cursor position, which
// we don't want happening all the time.
// This code would work with Redactor 9, but no longer works with Redactor 10
//if (value !== $(element).redactor('get')) {
// $(element).redactor('set', value);
// The API method has become 'code.get', and it behaves a bit differently: it
// returns formatted HTML, i.e. with whitespace and EOLs. That means that we
// would update the Redactor content every time the observable changed, which
// was bad. So instead we can use this:
if (value !== $(element).redactor('core.textarea').val()) {
$(element).redactor('code.set', value);
} }
我喜欢我应该能够相互独立地使用 knockoutjs 和 redactorjs 的想法。当 redactorjs 更新 textarea 时,knockoutjs 应该接管并通过它的绑定更新模型。
我发现当 textarea 更改时 redactorjs 没有传播更改事件。为了解决这个问题,我手动添加了它:
$('textarea').each(function() {
var textareaEl = $(this);
blurCallback: function() {
这里还有改进的余地,因为这似乎在每个关键事件上都会触发 changeCallback。 但是这个解决方案有效并且不会使 redactorjs 成为您的 knockoutjs 应用程序中的依赖项(或在 redactor 版本更改时中断)。
编辑:我在 redactorjs 的源代码中发现了一个未记录的 blurCallback。替换了似乎在 keyUp 上触发的 changeCallback 的使用。