The authors of "Numerical Recipes" give in Ch. 10 an implementation of the simulated annealing algorithm that combines the "classical" simulated annealing with the Nelder-Mead downhill simplex method.

What I really like about this algorithm is the way it converges to a classic downhill search as the annealing temperatures reaches 0. However, I have never found any other reference to this algorithm; is it a safe, mature variant of the simulated annealing algorithm (i.e. production-ready) or should it be considered as an experimental idea thrown into the book?


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作为专业从事人工智能和智能系统工作的人,我可以告诉你,很少有这样的算法被认为是成熟的。就其本质而言,高级算法都倾向于对它们具有实验性。例如,在模拟退火中,您需要制定冷却计划。你如何做到这一点是非常特定于问题的,需要你试验和调整算法。NR 代码是执行此操作的合理起点。

于 2013-02-07T22:34:38.837 回答