我的任务是更新位于 SQL 2005 数据库中的表中的一些字段。我目前正在使用 vb.net 2010 (.net 4) 并且仍在学习这些东西,所以请保持温和。如果我错过了什么,请告诉我,我会尽快补上。最后,对不起,这太长了,但否则我很难创建一个描述。

除了包含的表格中显示的字段外,还有一些其他字段,但在整体方案中并不重要。此表用于劳动力跟踪,因此操作员/用户登录到工作并填充以下字段:EmployeeWorkID(主键)、EmployeeID(从单独的表派生)、LoginDatetime(日期时间戳)和状态。填充 db 表的真实世界示例:


EmplWorkID EmplID  LoginDateTime     LogoutDateTime    Status LoggedIn LoggedOut
93464       376    2013-01-31 15:00  2013-01-31 17:25    C       0        0
93466       376    2013-01-31 17:26  2013-01-31 23:00    C       0        0
93468       376    2013-02-01 15:00  2013-02-01 23:00    C       0        0
93484       380    2013-02-01 07:00  2013-02-01 09:17    C       0        0
93485       380    2013-02-01 09:18  2013-02-01 11:22    C       0        0
93486       380    2013-02-01 11:23  NULL                A       0        0
93479       385    2013-01-31 07:03  2013-01-31 09:32    C       0        0
93481       385    2013-01-31 09:33  NULL                A       0        0
93473       385    2013-02-01 07:05  2013-02-01 09:13    C       0        0
93482       385    2013-02-01 09:14  2013-02-01 11:34    C       0        0
93480       385    2013-02-01 11:35  2013-02-01 13:41    C       0        0
93483       385    2013-02-01 13:42  2013-02-01 15:03    C       0        0
93478       394    2013-01-31 23:03  2013-02-01 00:53    C       0        0
93475       394    2013-02-01 00:54  2013-02-01 03:26    C       0        0
93476       394    2013-02-01 03:27  2013-02-01 05:39    C       0        0
93477       394    2013-02-01 05:44  2013-02-01 07:03    C       0        0


EmplWorkID EmplID  LoginDateTime     LogoutDateTime    Status LoggedIn LoggedOut
93464       376    2013-01-31 15:00  2013-01-31 17:25    C       1        0
93466       376    2013-01-31 17:26  2013-01-31 23:00    C       0        1
93468       376    2013-02-01 15:00  2013-02-01 23:00    C       1        1
93484       380    2013-02-01 07:00  2013-02-01 09:17    C       1        0
93485       380    2013-02-01 09:18  2013-02-01 11:22    C       0        0
93486       380    2013-02-01 11:23  2013-02-01 15:00    C       0        1
93479       385    2013-01-31 07:00  2013-01-31 09:32    C       1        0
93481       385    2013-01-31 09:33  2013-01-31 15:00    C       0        1
93473       385    2013-02-01 07:00  2013-02-01 09:13    C       1        0
93482       385    2013-02-01 09:14  2013-02-01 11:34    C       0        0
93480       385    2013-02-01 11:35  2013-02-01 13:41    C       0        0
93483       385    2013-02-01 13:42  2013-02-01 15:00    C       0        1
93478       394    2013-01-31 23:00  2013-02-01 00:53    C       1        0
93475       394    2013-02-01 00:54  2013-02-01 03:26    C       0        0
93476       394    2013-02-01 03:27  2013-02-01 05:39    C       0        0
93477       394    2013-02-01 05:44  2013-02-01 07:00    C       0        1


EmplWorkID EmplID  LoginDateTime     LogoutDateTime    Status LoggedIn LoggedOut
93464       376    2013-01-31 15:00  2013-01-31 17:25    C       1        0
93466       376    2013-01-31 15:00  2013-01-31 23:00    C     **1**      1
93468       376    2013-02-01 15:00  2013-02-01 23:00    C       1        1
93484       380    2013-02-01 07:00  2013-02-01 09:17    C       1        0
93485       380    2013-02-01 07:00  2013-02-01 11:22    C     **1**      0
93486       380    2013-02-01 11:23  2013-02-01 15:00    C       0        1
93479       385    2013-01-31 07:00  2013-01-31 09:32    C       1        0
93481       385    2013-01-31 07:00  2013-01-31 15:00    C     **1**      1
93473       385    2013-02-01 07:00  2013-02-01 09:13    C       1        0
93482       385    2013-02-01 07:00  2013-02-01 11:34    C     **1**      0
93480       385    2013-02-01 11:35  2013-02-01 13:41    C       0        0
93483       385    2013-02-01 13:42  2013-02-01 15:00    C       0        1
93478       394    2013-01-31 23:00  2013-02-01 00:53    C       1        0
93475       394    2013-02-01 00:54  2013-02-01 03:26    C       0        0
93476       394    2013-02-01 03:27  2013-02-01 05:39    C       0        0
93477       394    2013-02-01 05:44  2013-02-01 07:00    C       0        1

The second run shows the records that have been incorrectly updated. The Login/LogoutDateTimes were updated as well as the LoggedIn flag. What I need my vb app to do is set each employee's first LoginDateTime = Time & Attendance clock-in, and set their last LogoutDateTime = T&A clock out. The included images show the first, and second runs of my app where it sets the LoggedIn and LoggedOut fields where necessary. However, this app will be ran several times during the day and will update new records as they are added. The problem: (yeah I know...finally) subsequent runs of the application (see 'Table after second run:') pick up extra records that should not be updated. For example, on the second run of the app the record for EmployeeWorkID = 93466 is picked up and the LoginDateTime is set to the T&A clock in (it would look like EmployeeWorkID = 93464), and the LoggedIn flag would be set to 1. I've tried numerous ways of doing this both through SQL queries and vb code but am left without a solution. Here is the main SQL call that I make within the app, it may not look pretty but it is effective (for one run at least).

, qryID.Empl
, qryID.LoggedIn
, qryID.LoginDateTime
, ew2.LogoutDateTime
, qryID.RoundedInPunchDate
, qryID.RoundedOutPunchDate
, qryID.ScheduledInDateTime
, qryID.ScheduledOutDateTime
 , stmE.Empl
 , stmE.STM_Employee_id
 , MIN(ew.LoginDateTime) AS LoginDateTime
 , vIO.RoundedInPunchDate
 , vIO.RoundedOutPunchDate
 , vES.ScheduledInDateTime
 , vES.ScheduledOutDateTime
 , ew.LoggedIn
  tblEmployeeWork AS ew INNER JOIN
  tblEmployees AS e ON ew.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID INNER JOIN
  STROMBERG.StrombergTest.dbo.STM_Employee AS stmE ON e.Empl = stmE.Empl INNER JOIN
  STROMBERG.StrombergTest.dbo.v_BI_Employee_InOutPunches_AutoLogout2 AS vIO ON  
    stmE.STM_Employee_id = vIO.STM_Employee_id 
 AND CONVERT(varchar, ew.LoginDateTime, 101) = CONVERT(varchar, vIO.RoundedInPunchDate, 
   101) INNER JOIN
 STROMBERG.StrombergTest.dbo.v_BI_DailyEmplScheduleAndHoursWorked AS vES ON 
   vIO.STM_Employee_id = vES.STM_Employee_id AND 
 CONVERT(varchar, vIO.RoundedInPunchDate, 101) =   
     CONVERT(varchar,vES.ScheduledInDateTime, 101)
  (ew.LogoutDateTime BETWEEN '1/31/2013' AND DATEADD(d, 2, '1/31/2013')) AND     
  (vIO.RoundedInPunchDate BETWEEN '1/31/2013' AND DATEADD(d, 2, '1/31/2013')) AND 
  (ew.LoginDateTime BETWEEN '1/31/2013' AND DATEADD(d, 2, '1/31/2013'))
GROUP BY DAY(CONVERT(varchar, ISNULL(ew.LoginDateTime, vES.ScheduledInDateTime), 101)), 
  ew.EmployeeID, vIO.RoundedOutPunchDate, stmE.Empl, stmE.STM_Employee_id,  
  vIO.RoundedInPunchDate, vES.ScheduledInDateTime, vES.ScheduledOutDateTime, stmE.Empl, 
  ew.LoggedIn) AS qryID INNER JOIN
tblEmployeeWork AS ew2 ON qryID.EmployeeID = ew2.EmployeeID AND qryID.LoginDateTime = 
ORDER BY ew2.EmployeeID

1 回答 1


I think I see what you are trying to do. You want to set the first checkin of the day to 1 in the LoggedIn field and the last checkout of the day to 1 in the LoggedOut field.

This query will give you all the first checkins of the day and last checkouts of the day for every employee and every day.

select EmplID, min(LoginDateTime), max(LogoutDateTime)
group by EmplID, year(LoginDateTime), month(LoginDateTime), day(LoginDateTime)

Well, not exactly. It will only work if no employee is checked in over mid-night. Otherwise, the logout time will be when they logged out from starting on the given day.

So, the VB code can be used to set all the values from this result to 1, and everything else to 0.

Multiple runs on the same data will set the same values as before. If more data is added, the results will fix the data, as long as the code will set values back to 0.

Performance can be dealt with by adding a where clause which will only change the data for the past N days. For the last 7 days,

where LoginDateTime >= DATEADD(day, -7, GETDATE())
于 2013-02-07T22:07:17.157 回答