
我正在尝试在 python 中制作一些串行通信脚本。我有一个带有模板的文件,一个带有文本表的文件。如何使用文本表作为替换源?


Hello <name>,
We will be hosting some event in <town> bla bla...


name      town       age   gender
Phillip   New York   22    male
Sonia     Warsaw     19    female

预期输出是 2 个带有自定义文本的文件。


2 回答 2




import re

text_table = <something> # Replace with whatever you do to load the table
template_text = <something> # Replace with whatever you do to load the template

row_splitter = re.compile("  +") # Finds a sequence of two or more spaces
rows = text_table.split('\n') # Split the table into a list of rows
headings_row = rows[0]
headings = row_splitter.split(headings_row)

# Next we get a list of dictionaries mapping template placeholders to values
template_dicts = []
for row in rows:
    values = row_splitter.split(row)
    template_dict = dict(zip(headings, values))

# Next we substitute the values sets into the template one by one:
for template_dict in template_dicts:
    result_text = template_text
    for key, value in template_dict.iteritems():
        result_text = result_text.replace('<'+key+'>', value)
    print result_text # Or do whatever you like with it

请注意,如果您可以控制模板文件,您可能希望将三角括号占位符替换为大括号占位符(如'Hello {name}, I see you are {age} years old')。然后,您可以使用String.format为您将值替换到模板中,从而使代码更加简单。

于 2013-02-07T21:24:09.673 回答


table_lines = open('your_table', 'r').read()
table = [ re.split(' +', l) for l in table_file[1:] ]

mail = open('your_template_dir', 'r').read()

for name,town,age,gender in table :
    re.sub('<name>', name, mail)
    re.sub('<town>', town, mail)
    re.sub('<age>', age, mail)
    re.sub('<gender>', gender, mail)

print mail

Personaly 我建议您使用 SQLite 作为您的表。

于 2013-02-07T22:33:04.217 回答