如果函数的参数预期是某个(或等价的)结构,使用 python 的list, tupleand构建dict,应该如何以及在哪里记录它?


def foo(bar):
        bar: 2-tuple, ([(<mapping>,<number>), ...], <string>)


  • 结构难以阅读
  • 难以表示结构中每个元素的语义含义
  • 如何指示不固定长度
  • 应该只记录一次,还是到处记录
  • 编辑:如何清楚地表明鸭子类型对于元素是可以的(即“dict”与“mapping-like”)

编辑:该示例不是为了尝试强制类型,而是尝试记录结构。就这一点来说,duck typing可以


6 回答 6




A mapping:


This is the root level of the `options` argument.


A sequence of integers, each of which is a year to be included in the analysis.


A sequence of strings, each of which is a state to be included in the analysis.


于 2013-02-12T19:36:52.737 回答

如果您使用的是 Python 3,您可能对“函数注释”感兴趣。它们不是强制执行的,完全是可选的,但似乎可以做你想做的事。注释可以是任何 Python 表达式,它们包含在函数头中,在参数旁边。例如(对不起,这有点荒谬):

def fn(name: str, age: int, hobbies: "something else goes here") -> max(2, 9):
  # la la la
  return 9

这里有更多详细信息(包括可能的用例和示例):PEP 3107

于 2013-02-12T06:44:05.193 回答

我对您的问题的简单回答是引用Python 的禅宗“显式胜于隐式”。就您的问题而言,这意味着要完整地写出所需的内容,即使需要整个段落来记录单个论点。只需阅读 python 文档即可查看示例。在您的特定情况下,您可以通过引用序列而不是元组来指示鸭子类型(请参阅http://docs.python.org/2/library/collections.html#collections-abstract-base-classes)。

于 2013-02-12T06:10:35.573 回答

我见过的最完整的文档字符串规范是NumPy Docstring Style Guide,但我同意它没有提供详细信息来涵盖您的问题。因此,我可能会建议目前可能不存在回答您(和我自己)问题的标准。

于 2013-02-07T18:12:27.230 回答


def require(arg_name, *allowed_types):
    @require("x", int, float)
    @require("y", float)
    def foo(x, y):
        return x+y
    def make_wrapper(f):
        if hasattr(f, "wrapped_args"):
            wrapped_args = getattr(f, "wrapped_args")
            code = f.func_code
            wrapped_args = list(code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount])

            arg_index = wrapped_args.index(arg_name)
        except ValueError:
            raise NameError, arg_name
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if len(args) > arg_index:
                arg = args[arg_index]
                if not isinstance(arg, allowed_types):
                    type_list = " or ".join(str(allowed_type) for allowed_type in allowed_types)
                    raise Exception, "Expected '%s' to be %s; was %s." % (arg_name, type_list, type(arg))
                if arg_name in kwargs:
                    arg = kwargs[arg_name]
                    if not isinstance(arg, allowed_types):
                        type_list = " or ".join(str(allowed_type) for allowed_type in allowed_types)
                        raise Exception, "Expected '%s' to be %s; was %s." % (arg_name, type_list, type(arg))

            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        wrapper.wrapped_args = wrapped_args
        return wrapper

    return make_wrapper        
于 2013-02-07T18:00:09.343 回答



Pylons 装饰器 - 验证 - GitHub

def validate(schema=None, validators=None, form=None, variable_decode=False,
         dict_char='.', list_char='-', post_only=True, state=None,
         on_get=False, **htmlfill_kwargs):
"""Validate input either for a FormEncode schema, or individual

Given a form schema or dict of validators, validate will attempt to
validate the schema or validator list.

If validation was successful, the valid result dict will be saved
as ``self.form_result``. Otherwise, the action will be re-run as if
it was a GET, and the output will be filled by FormEncode's
htmlfill to fill in the form field errors.

    Refers to a FormEncode Schema object to use during validation.
    Method used to display the form, which will be used to get the
    HTML representation of the form for error filling.
    Boolean to indicate whether FormEncode's variable decode
    function should be run on the form input before validation.
    Passed through to FormEncode. Toggles the form field naming
    scheme used to determine what is used to represent a dict. This
    option is only applicable when used with variable_decode=True.
    Passed through to FormEncode. Toggles the form field naming
    scheme used to determine what is used to represent a list. This
    option is only applicable when used with variable_decode=True.
    Boolean that indicates whether or not GET (query) variables
    should be included during validation.

    .. warning::
        ``post_only`` applies to *where* the arguments to be
        validated come from. It does *not* restrict the form to
        only working with post, merely only checking POST vars.
    Passed through to FormEncode for use in validators that utilize
    a state object.
    Whether to validate on GET requests. By default only POST
    requests are validated.


    class SomeController(BaseController):

        def create(self, id):
            return render('/myform.mako')

        @validate(schema=model.forms.myshema(), form='create')
        def update(self, id):
            # Do something with self.form_result

于 2013-02-07T21:00:42.997 回答