data Something = Something Integer deriving (MyClass, Show)
class MyClass a where
hello :: MyClass a => a -> a
instance MyClass Integer where
hello i = i + 1
main = print . hello $ Something 3
但 MyClass 不可派生。为什么?
data Something = Something Integer deriving (MyClass, Show)
class MyClass a where
hello :: MyClass a => a -> a
instance MyClass Integer where
hello i = i + 1
main = print . hello $ Something 3
但 MyClass 不可派生。为什么?
GHC 不能神奇地为任意数据类型派生实例。但是,它可以利用newtype
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
newtype Something = Something Integer deriving (MyClass, Show)
class MyClass a where
hello :: MyClass a => a -> a
instance MyClass Integer where
hello i = i + 1
main = print . hello $ Something 3
GHC 无法派生新实例的原因是它不知道该实例应该是什么。即使您的数据类型只有一个字段,它也不一定与该字段相同。为newtype
s 派生实例的能力很方便,因为它们通常用于为某些类型类提供不同的行为,或者作为使用类型系统来分离代码中具有相同类型但用途不同的事物的一种方式。
You may want to have a look at the GHC documentation on Generic Programming.
You need to create a class that can work on a generic representation of arbitrary types. I don't think the specific example you gave is reasonable for a derivable class.