I am using Joomla, Phoca Gallery Image Component and Phoca Callery module. It is not actaully the question about Joomla, but about CSS. Plugin creates gallery with 4 images. Those images should create 2 x 2 grid, using float:left.
Here is what I have as a result: http://jsfiddle.net/qAx7c/ (original link: http://renathy.woano.lv/index.php/lv/par-mums-2)
.block {
border:1px solid #342e2b;
padding: 12px 22px 12px 22px;
.block-box2 div.content-main {
.block-box2 div.content-sidebar2 {
/* float clearing for IE6 */
* html .clearfix{
height: 1%;
overflow: visible;
/* float clearing for IE7 */
*+html .clearfix{
min-height: 1%;
/* float clearing for everyone else */
clear: both;
content: ".";
display: block;
height: 0;
visibility: hidden;
font-size: 0;
/* FIXes */
#phocagallery-module-ri .phocagallery-box-file {
padding: 0 !important;
background: none !important;
#phocagallery-module-ri .phocagallery-box-file-first {
background: none !important;
#phocagallery-module-ri {
margin-left: 40px !important;
#phocagallery-module-ri div.mosaic a img {
border: 1px solid #342e2b !important;
/*border: none !important;*/
#phocagallery-module-ri div.mosaic a img, #phocagallery-module-ri div.mosaic img {
-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
<div class="block block-box2 clearfix">
<div class="content-main">
<div class="item-page">
<h2>Par mums</h2>
Some text here
Some text here
<div class="content-sidebar2">
<div id="phocagallery-module-ri" style="text-align:center;">
<center style="padding:0px;margin:0px;">
<div class="mosaic" style="float:left;padding:5px;width:170px">
<a class="modal-button" title="Atmosfēra" href="">
<img src="phoca_thumb_m_parmums_telpas.jpg" alt="Atmosfēra" width="170" height="150">
<div class="mosaic" style="float:left;padding:5px;width:170px">
<a class="modal-button" title="Par mums" href="#">
<img src="phoca_thumb_m_parmums_atmosfera.jpg" alt="Par mums" width="170" height="149">
<div class="mosaic" style="float:left;padding:5px;width:170px">
<a class="modal-button" title="Par mums" href="#">
<img src="phoca_thumb_m_parmums_dzerieni.jpg" alt="Par mums" width="170" height="150">
<div class="mosaic" style="float:left;padding:5px;width:170px">
<a class="modal-button" title="Par mums ārpusē" href="#">
<img src="phoca_thumb_m_parmums_izskats.jpg" alt="Par mums ārpusē" width="170" height="150">
<div style="clear:both"></div>
As you see, one image is not floating correctly. The code of div phocagallery-module-ri is generated automatically. I tried to change width, marings, paddings of images and divs, but nothing helps - one image is floating incorrectly, however it seems that everything should be fine. Can you, please, give me some ideas, why this floating is broken?