I'm trying to use GSON 2.2.2 (for the very first time) to map JSON into a Java POJO. I'm hitting a 3rd party RESTful web service and this is an example of the JSON I'm getting back:

    "response": {
            "body_src":"Please translated me.",
            "body_tgt":"S'il vous plaît traduire moi.",
            "ctime":"2013-02-07 14:56:12.391963",

The POJO I'm trying to map this into is:

public class Job {
    // correlates to "eta"
    private int eta;

    // correlates to "body_src"
    private String sourceBody;

    // correlates to "ctime"
    private java.util.Date creationTimestamp;

    // Getters and setters for all 3 properties

When I run the following code, I don't get any exceptions, but the print statement just prints "null":

// Hit the 3rd party service and get the JSON (example above).
JSONObject json = hitRestfulWebService();

Gson gson = new Gson();

// json.toString = "{response":{"job":{ ..."
Job job = gson.fromJson(json.toString(), Job.class);


My only guess is that GSON can't figure out how to map the 3 JSON fields to my 3 Job properties. Can someone help me figure out what this mapping needs to be? Thanks in advance.


3 回答 3


您可以使用注释来定义,哪个 json 字段映射到哪个对象成员,例如:

class SomeClass
   String myString1;

   String myString2;
于 2013-02-07T15:52:24.380 回答

不使用响应,而是使用 response.job


  {   "response": {..


 { "eva": ..


    String a = "{\"response\": {\"job\":{\"eta\":-1,\"status\":\"approved\",\"mt\":1,\"lc_tgt\":\"fr\",\"body_src\":\"Please translated me.\",\"body_tgt\":\"S'il vous plaît traduire moi.\",\"unit_count\":3,\"tier\":\"machine\",\"credits\":0,\"ctime\":\"2013-02-07 14:56:12.391963\",\"lc_src\":\"en\",\"slug\":\"0\",\"job_id\":\"NULL\"}},\"opstat\":\"ok\"}";

    Job j = I.gson().fromJson(
            ((JsonObject) ((JsonObject) new JsonParser().parse(a)).get("response")).get("job"), Job.class);

于 2013-02-07T15:20:41.780 回答
public class Response{
  private Job job;

  //generate setter and getter

public class Job {
    // correlates to "eta"
    private int eta;

    // correlates to "body_src"
    private String sourceBody;

    // correlates to "ctime"
    private java.util.Date creationTimestamp;

    // Getters and setters for all 3 properties


JSONObject json = hitRestfulWebService();

Gson gson = new Gson();

// json.toString = "{response":{"job":{ ..."
Job job = gson.fromJson(json.toString(), Response.class);
于 2013-02-07T15:46:39.700 回答