
im using ubuntu 12.04 I created 4 partition in ext4 and one in ext3. I can see all the partition in computer but whenever I try to mount partition I used to click on the partition it supposes to get mount but now its getting disappear from the computer.


1 回答 1


try command line tools like fdisk and mount

Try this:

  1. check whether you still have those partitions:

    fdisk /dev/sda

    /dev/sda replace by your hard disk, inside program write p, program will output all the partitions on your hard drive, exit fdisk by pressing q

  2. mount the partition:

    mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/something

    sda3 replace by your partition and /mnt/something by dir where you'd like to have the partition mounted.

Most likely, your graphical program (you didn't mention name) stopped working for some reason. Command lines works well and something goes wrong some error/warning will be outputted

于 2013-02-07T08:40:29.663 回答