我的数据库中有 3 个不同的表,分别称为consoleConsoleconsoleModelconsoleGame。然后我想做的是每个控制台内部都有一个循环用于它的模型,每个模型内部都有另一个循环用于它的游戏,如下所示:

            "Model":"PlayStation 3",
                  "Game":"007 Legends",
                  "Publisher":"Electronic Arts"
                  "Game":"Ace Combat: Assault Horizon",
            "Model":"PlayStation 2",
                  "Game":"007: Agent of Fire",
                  "Publisher":"Electronic Arts"
                  "Game":"Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies",
            "Model":"PlayStation 1",
                  "Game":"007 Racing",
                  "Publisher":"Electronic Arts"
                  "Game":"Ace Combat",
                  "Game":"007: Quantum of Solace",
                  "Game":"AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Rack",
                  "Publisher":"MTV Games"
                  "Game":"American Chopper",
            "Model":"Xbox 360",
                  "Game":"AFL Live",
                  "Publisher":"Electronic Arts"
                  "Game":"Akai Katana Shin",

但可悲的是,我没有将我的数据库与这个数据库一起使用,而是直接将它写在一个 php 文件中。



    $consoleQuery = "SELECT * ".
    "FROM consoleConsole ".
        "JOIN consoleModel ".
                "ON consoleConsole.consoleId = consoleModel.consoleId ".
            "JOIN consoleGame ".
                "ON consoleModel.modelId = consoleGame.gameId";

$consoleResult = mysql_query($consoleQuery);

$consoleFields = array_fill_keys(array(
    ), null);

$modelFields = array_fill_keys(array(
    ), null);

$console = array();
$rowConsole = array();

while ($rowConsole = mysql_fetch_assoc($consoleResult)) {
    $consoleId = $rowConsole['consoleId'];
    $modelId = $row['modelId'];
    if (isset($console[$consoleId]['Information'])) {
        $console[$consoleId]['Information'][] = array_intersect_key($rowConsole, $modelFields);

    else {
        $console[$consoleId] = array_intersect_key($rowConsole, $consoleFields);
        $console[$consoleId]['Information'] = array(array_intersect_key($rowConsole, $modelFields));

$console = array_values($console);
echo json_encode($console);



    "consoleName": "PlayStation",
    "Information": [
        "modelName": "PlayStation"
        "modelName": "PlayStation 2"
        "modelName": "PlayStation 3"
        "modelName": "PlayStation 3"
    "consoleName": "Wii",
    "Information": [
        "modelName": "Wii"
        "modelName": "Wii"
    "consoleName": "Xbox",
    "Information": [
        "modelName": "Xbox"
        "modelName": "Xbox 360"

他们的关系: 在此处输入图像描述



2 回答 2


由于您使用 php 函数对 json 进行编码,因此它将以默认格式为您提供 json。您要做的是使用字符串操作创建自己的函数以获得所需的结果。

于 2013-02-07T07:17:51.630 回答

好的,所以我已经写了您的解决方案。您必须确保其中包含 order by,因为它假定您将它们与那里的物品一起订购。我也不知道您的发布者是如何存储的,所以我将其分离到一个单独的表中(这将允许您随后也可以通过那里的发布者获取项目),现在是 4 个连接。另外在另一个说明中,我也将其更新为进行内部连接。这样,对于没有分配任何游戏的控制台,您将不会得到空结果。如果你想要这些,你可以简单地改变连接,这样它也会给你这些结果。让我知道这是否有帮助

//get all of the information
$query = '
    SELECT c.consoleId,c.consoleName,m.modelId,m.modelName,g.gameId,g.gameName,p.publisherId,p.publisherName
    FROM `consoleconsole` c
        INNER JOIN `consolemodel` m ON c.consoleId=m.consoleId
        INNER JOIN `consolegame` g ON m.modelId=g.modelId
        INNER JOIN `consolepublisher` p ON g.publisherId = p.publisherId
    ORDER BY c.consoleName, m.modelName, g.gameName

//get the results
$result = mysql_query($query);

//setup array to hold information
$consoles = array();

//setup holders for the different types so that we can filter out the data
$consoleId = 0;
$modelId = 0;

//setup to hold our current index
$consoleIndex = -1;
$modelIndex = -1;

//go through the rows
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    if($consoleId != $row['consoleId']){
        $modelIndex = -1;
        $consoleId = $row['consoleId'];

        //add the console
        $consoles[$consoleIndex]['console'] = $row['consoleName'];

        //setup the information array
        $consoles[$consoleIndex]['information'] = array();

    if($modelId != $row['modelId']){
        $modelId = $row['modelId'];

        //add the model to the console
        $consoles[$consoleIndex]['information'][$modelIndex]['model'] = $row['modelName'];

        //setup the title array
        $consoles[$consoleIndex]['information'][$modelIndex]['title'] = array();

    //add the game to the current console and model
    $consoles[$consoleIndex]['information'][$modelIndex]['title'][] = array(
        'game'      => $row['gameName'],
        'publisher' => $row['publisherName']

echo json_encode($consoles);
于 2013-02-08T23:12:15.423 回答