我正在查看 hadoop 框架中没有意义的生产代码。为什么我们使用瞬态,为什么我不能将实用程序方法设为静态方法(领导告知不要将 isThinger 设为静态方法)?我查了瞬态关键字,它与序列化有关。这里真的使用序列化吗?
//extending from MapReduceBase is a requirement of hadoop
public static class MyMapper extends MapReduceBase {
// why the use of transient keyword here?
transient Utility utility;
public void configure(JobConf job) {
String test = job.get("key");
// seems silly that we have to create Utility instance.
// can't we use a static method instead?
utility = new Utility();
boolean res = utility.isThinger(test);
foo (res);
void foo (boolean a) { }
public class Utility {
final String stringToSearchFor = "ineverchange";
// it seems we could make this static. Why can't we?
public boolean isThinger(String word) {
boolean val = false;
if (word.indexOf(stringToSearchFor) > 0) {
val = true;
return val;