我需要一些帮助才能使我的 XML 序列化正常工作。现在我有两个函数可以逐个字符地读取我的 XML 文件。现在他们成功地检测和存储元素以及将元素的内容存储为变量。我有函数打印元素的层次结构,它们成功地显示了它们包含的内容。
这是编译和运行代码时显示的内容。注意 hot 有一些元素不等于:
XML.World.Item.name = silver key
XML.World.Item.properties.property = metal
XML.World.Item.properties.property = silver
XML.World.Item.properties =
XML.World.Item.weight = 1
XML.World.Item.displayChar = )
XML.World.Item.value = 10
XML.World.Item.rarity = 5
XML.World.Item =
XML.World.Creature.name = orc
XML.World.Creature.properties.property = orcish
XML.World.Creature.properties.property = humanoid
XML.World.Creature.properties =
XML.World.Creature.level = 2
XML.World.Creature.maxHP = 15
XML.World.Creature.displayChar = o
XML.World.Creature =
XML.World =
我的 XML 文件名为 world.xml,这是它包含的 XML 代码:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>silver key</name>
这是我正在使用的代码 - XMLSerialization.h、XMLSerialization.cpp 和 main.cpp:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
class XMLSerialization {
virtual bool parseElement(std::istream & xmlFile, std::string hierarchy$
virtual bool parseXML(std::istream & xmlFile);
#include "XMLSerialization.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
bool XMLSerialization::parseElement(istream & xmlFile, string hierarchy){
char c; // the character as we reach it
string elementName;
//reads char by char, checking for '>' at the end of the tag
do {
c = xmlFile.get();
if (c != '>')
while (c != '>');
string content; //holds the non-element content of the element
while (true){
c = xmlFile.get();
if (c == '<'){
if (xmlFile.peek() == '/'){
string endTag; //holds the end tag as its read
while(c != '>'){
c = xmlFile.get();
if (c != '>'){
if (endTag != elementName){
cout<<"Tag name mismatch! "<<endTag<<
" differs from "<<elementName
return false;
//output what is known. Where we are in the
//file, current element, and its content
cout<<hierarchy<<"."<<elementName<<" = "<<
return true;
else {
//read in '<' and was NOT an end tag. c is at
//the first char after < so function calls
//on itself again. Passing hierarchy and current
//element name so next element knows where it
//is in the xmlFile.
if (!parseElement(xmlFile, hierarchy + "." + el$
return false;
else {
//c is not '<' so its content. Also ignores EOL
if (c != '\n'){
return true;
// checks for a valid XML Header
bool XMLSerialization::parseXML(istream & xmlFile){
char c; // char to hold the character as we reach it
//get character while the character != '<'
do {
c = xmlFile.get();
while (c != '<');
//checks the character after the '<'
if (xmlFile.get() != '?'){
cout<<"Invalid XML Header! Does not begin with '<?'"<<endl;
return false;
//continues through header look for '?'
do {
c = xmlFile.get();
while (c != '?');
// checks for the header ending with ?>
if (xmlFile.get() != '>'){
cout<<"Invalid XML Header! Does not end with '?>'"<<endl;
return false;
// go through character until the first tag after the header
do {
c = xmlFile.get();
while (c != '<');
// at the first character after the opening '<' of the tag
// call parseElement
return parseElement(xmlFile, "XML");
#include "XMLSerialization.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
cout<<"XML TESTING"<<endl<<"________________________"<<endl<<endl;
ifstream xmlFile;
XMLSerialization test;
return 0;