Suppose you make a baseline in a child stream (e.g. release), name it baseline_rel_X and then at the same time you deliver the changes to the parent stream (e.g. integration) and also make a baseline there called baseline_int_Y. At that point, the baselines baseline_rel_X and baseline_int_Y are effectively the same (notwithstanding different streams, each element will be the same if compared).

Is there a way to relate (establish equality) between a baseline in the parent stream and its corresponding baseline in a child stream, in this example relate baseline_rel_X to baseline_int_Y, given that their names are different?

The reason we want to do this is to help us list all the files to be deployed to PROD, which corresponds to the parent (integration) stream above. We make many baselines in our child (release) stream, which corresponds to our TEST/UAT environment, until we collect enough changes to make one in the integration stream, which goes into PROD. You could say that there is a one-to-many relationship between baselines in PROD and TEST/UAT. So we want to take the integration baseline that is currently in PROD, relate it to its original baseline in the release stream (that unfortunately has a different name), and then do a diff between that and the most recent baseline to list all the changes we've made since we last released to PROD.

I know this sounds confusing but I am hoping it makes some sense.


1 回答 1



  • 做一些复杂或冗长的事情cleartool diffbl
  • 依赖于您无法更改的命名约定

我将属性baseline_rel_X中记录您将交付 ( ) 到对象中的基线表单的名称baseline:baseline_int_Y@\pvob


  • 在 rel 中寻找一个与交付活动名称(以流和交付日期命名)足够接近的基线:这是非常不精确的。
  • 查找应该存在于源基线和目标基线之间的超链接。再次,有点复杂。
于 2013-02-06T21:07:45.383 回答