这个问题是对Haskell can't deduc type equal问题的跟进。我尝试使用我上一个问题中描述的可训练类型和以下代码来实现一个基本的多项式逼近器:
module MachineLearning.Polynomial
) where
import MachineLearning.Training
import MachineLearning.Utils
polynomialTrf :: Floating n => [n] -> n -> n
polynomialTrf coeff var = helper 0 coeff var 0 where
helper _ [] var acc = acc
helper 0 (c:cs) var acc = helper 1 cs var c
helper deg (c:cs) var acc = helper (deg+1) cs var (acc+(c*(var^deg)))
polynomialCost :: Floating n => n -> n -> [n] -> n
polynomialCost var target coeff = sqcost (polynomialTrf coeff var) target
polynomialSV :: (Floating n) => Trainable n n
polynomialSV = Trainable polynomialTrf polynomialCost
只是sqcost a b = (a-b) ^ 2
. 我从编译器收到以下错误消息:
Could not deduce (n1 ~ n)
from the context (Floating n)
bound by the type signature for
polynomialSV :: Floating n => Trainable n n
at src/MachineLearning/Polynomial.hs:18:1-53
or from (Floating n1)
bound by a type expected by the context:
Floating n1 => [n1] -> n -> n
at src/MachineLearning/Polynomial.hs:18:16-53
`n1' is a rigid type variable bound by
a type expected by the context: Floating n1 => [n1] -> n -> n
at src/MachineLearning/Polynomial.hs:18:16
`n' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for polynomialSV :: Floating n => Trainable n n
at src/MachineLearning/Polynomial.hs:18:1
Expected type: [n] -> n1 -> n1
Actual type: [n] -> n -> n
In the first argument of `Trainable', namely `polynomialTrf'
In the expression: Trainable polynomialTrf polynomialCost
Could not deduce (n ~ n1)
from the context (Floating n)
bound by the type signature for
polynomialSV :: Floating n => Trainable n n
at src/MachineLearning/Polynomial.hs:18:1-53
or from (Floating n1)
bound by a type expected by the context:
Floating n1 => n -> n -> [n1] -> n1
at src/MachineLearning/Polynomial.hs:18:16-53
`n' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for polynomialSV :: Floating n => Trainable n n
at src/MachineLearning/Polynomial.hs:18:1
`n1' is a rigid type variable bound by
a type expected by the context: Floating n1 => n -> n -> [n1] -> n1
at src/MachineLearning/Polynomial.hs:18:16
Expected type: n -> n -> [n1] -> n1
Actual type: n -> n -> [n] -> n
In the second argument of `Trainable', namely `polynomialCost'
In the expression: Trainable polynomialTrf polynomialCost