在我看来,.message_route(...) 的默认行为之一(即第三次尝试获取消息路由:“回退到提供的参数,如果它们有效”)无法正常工作。
它应该将主题解析为 [ID] 之类的表达式,以用作“thread_id”来发布消息。到目前为止,一切都很好。
问题是消息在到达这一点之前(当然)在 .message_parse(...) 中被解析,这使得当以这种方式获取“thread_id”时,我们最终得到一个 unicode-string 而不是所需的#ID 为整数或长整数。
def message_route(self, cr, uid, message, model=None, thread_id=None,
custom_values=None, context=None):
3. Fallback to the ``model``, ``thread_id`` and ``custom_values``
# 3. Fallback to the provided parameters, if they work
if not thread_id:
# Legacy: fallback to matching [ID] in the Subject
match = tools.res_re.search(decode_header(message, 'Subject'))
thread_id = match and match.group(1)
assert thread_id and hasattr(model_pool, 'message_update') or hasattr(model_pool, 'message_new'), \
"No possible route found for incoming message with Message-Id %s. " \
"Create an appropriate mail.alias or force the destination model." % message_id
if thread_id and not model_pool.exists(cr, uid, thread_id):
_logger.warning('Received mail reply to missing document %s! Ignoring and creating new document instead for Message-Id %s',
thread_id, message_id)
thread_id = None
_logger.debug('Routing mail with Message-Id %s: fallback to model:%s, thread_id:%s, custom_values:%s, uid:%s',
message_id, model, thread_id, custom_values, uid)
return [(model, thread_id, custom_values, uid)]