从 maven 3 开始,强烈建议指定插件的版本。例如,指定 maven-compiler-plugin(为了指定 java 目标版本),如果没有指定版本,maven 会报错:
[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for com.example:ex1:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin is missing. @ line 20, column 12
[WARNING] It is highly recommended to fix these problems because they threaten the stability of your build.
[WARNING] For this reason, future Maven versions might no longer support building such malformed projects.
如果我不指定 maven-compiler-plugin,我会得到一个默认版本,对于 maven 3.0.4 是 2.3.2。这意味着在正常情况下,您将获得插件的一些默认版本。
问题:插件的默认版本会随着时间而变化吗?我猜是这样,例如 maven 4.x 可能会使用较新的默认版本的编译器插件。