- 用户从下拉列表中选择一个选项
- 该脚本检查该选项是否在数组 1,2,3,4 中
- 根据它所在的数组,它显示不同的 HTML div
<script type="text/javascript>
var selectedVal = 'asd';
var selectedIndex;
var arrayHolder; //should hold the array the value was found in
var arr1 = ['huh', 'asd'];
var arr2 = ['asdasd'];
var arr3 = ['asdasdasd'];
var arr4 = ['asdasdasdasd'];
arrayHolder = arr1;
selectedIndex = arrayHolder.indexOf('asd');
if (!selectedIndex)
arrayHolder = arr2;
selectedIndex = arrayHolder.indexOf('asd');
if (!selectedIndex)
arrayHolder = arr3;
selectedIndex = arrayHolder.indexOf('asd');
if (!selectedIndex)
arrayHolder = arr4;
selectedIndex = arrayHolder.indexOf('asd');
if (!selectedIndex)
alert(selectedVal + ' not found in all 4 arrays.');
//By here, you should know if a value was found and in which array
alert(arrayHolder);//contains the array in which the value was found
alert(selectedIndex);//The index number where it was found
第二种方法是使用 jQuery 的inArray
<script type="text/javascript>
var selectedVal = 'asd';
var selectedIndex;
var arrayHolder; //should hold the array the value was found in
var arr1 = ['huh', 'asd'];
var arr2 = ['asdasd'];
var arr3 = ['asdasdasd'];
var arr4 = ['asdasdasdasd'];
//check first array
arrayHolder = arr1;
selectedIndex = $.inArray(selectedVal, arrayHolder);
//check if found in first array, if not check next array
if (!selectedIndex)
arrayHolder = arr2;
selectedIndex = $.inArray(selectedVal, arrayHolder);
//check if found in second array, if not check next array
if (!selectedIndex)
arrayHolder = arr3;
selectedIndex = $.inArray(selectedVal, arrayHolder);
//check if found in third array, if not check next array
if (!selectedIndex)
arrayHolder = arr4;
selectedIndex = $.inArray(selectedVal, arrayHolder);
//check if found in third array, if not check next array
if (!selectedIndex)
alert(selectedVal + ' not found in all 4 arrays.');
//By here, you should know if a value was found and in which array
alert(arrayHolder);//contains the array in which the value was found
alert(selectedIndex);//The index number where it was found
注意: 并非所有浏览器都支持 .indexOf()(特别是 IE)。所以如果你想使用 indexOf(),你应该首先使用下面的代码,在所有浏览器中添加对它的支持(代码归功于 mozilla)。
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf)
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/)
var len = this.length >>> 0;
var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
from = (from < 0)
? Math.ceil(from)
: Math.floor(from);
if (from < 0)
from += len;
for (; from < len; from++)
if (from in this &&
this[from] === elt)
return from;
return -1;