我正在尝试使用拦截器在我的 struts2 应用程序中处理会话超时请求。以下是与此相关的文件:
<package name="default" extends="struts-default">
<interceptor name="sessionInterceptor"
class="com.platform.web.security.SessionInterceptor" />
<action name="doLogin"
<result name="input">/login/login.jsp</result>
<result name="error">/login/login.jsp</result>
<result type="chain">menuAction</result>
<action name="menuAction"
<interceptor-ref name="sessionInterceptor"/> //Interceptor included here
<result name="SUCCESS">/jsp/main.jsp</result>
<result name="ERROR">/login/login.jsp</result>
<result name="input">/jsp/myFavourite.jsp</result>
public class SessionInterceptor extends AbstractInterceptor implements StrutsStatics {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
final ActionContext context = invocation.getInvocationContext();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) context
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
// Is there a "user" object stored in the user's HttpSession?
//Object user = session.getAttribute("User");
if (session == null) {
// The user has not logged in yet.
// Is the user attempting to log in right now?
//String loginAttempt = request.getParameter(LOGIN_ATTEMPT);
/* The user is attempting to log in. */
/*if (!StringUtils.isBlank(loginAttempt)) {
return invocation.invoke();
return "timeout";
} else {
return invocation.invoke();
public class LoginAction extends MesActionSupport implements ServletRequestAware {
public String execute() throws Exception {
FILE_LOGGER.debug("Entering into execute() ... ");
String strSessionId = "";
if (isValidUser == true) {
user = getUser();
strSessionId = request.getSession(true).getId();
session.put("SessionId", strSessionId);
setSession(session, user);
ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("User", user);
FILE_LOGGER.debug("Exit from LoginAction.execute() ... ");
return SUCCESS;
} else {
return ERROR;
public class MenuAction extends MesActionSupport implements SessionAware, ParameterAware, RequestAware {
public String execute() throws Exception {
setActionNameForAudit("execute ");
User user = null; // To store current user
Map<String, ArrayList<String>> category = null; // To store all Menu
// Categories.
StringBuffer menu = new StringBuffer(""); // To store Menu String
StringBuffer dashboardMenu = new StringBuffer("");
// user = (User)(request.getSession().getAttribute("User")==null ? null : request.getSession().getAttribute("User")); //Request object IS NULL HERE!!
user = (User) (mapSession.get("User") == null ? null : mapSession
.get("User")); // mapSession object IS NULL HERE
FILE_LOGGER.debug("user is " + user == null);
if (user != null) {
menu = menuView.getMenu(user);
mapSession.put("Menu", menu.toString());
mapSession.put("dbMenu", dashboardMenu.toString());
ret = "SUCCESS";
} else if (user == null) {
ret = ERROR;
} else {
ret = SUCCESS;
return ret;
流程是这样的: 1. 登录屏幕打开 2. 用户输入凭据并提交 3. LoginAction 被调用,用户通过身份验证 4. 如果有效用户 - MenuAction 被调用。否则重定向到 Login.jsp
根据上面的代码,会话在 LoginAction 中创建,控制到达检查会话对象的拦截器。如果会话存在,则控件到达 MenuAction。
对象被重置为 NULL!早些时候,当我不使用拦截器时,LoginAction 和 MenuAction 之间的流程工作得很好。
拦截器是否会重置 HTTPRequest?因此会议?结果我无法继续。