然后在函数中,我希望遍历数组中的值并将每个值附加到 HTML 中的以下 LI 元素中
这是我到目前为止用户将在他想要传递的 URL 值中编码的内容:
var arrValues = ['http://imgur.com/gallery/L4CmrUt', 'http://imgur.com/gallery/VQEsGHz'];
function calculate_image(arrValues) {
// Loop over each value in the array.
var jList = $('.thumb').find('href');
$.each(arrValues, function(intIndex, objValue) {
// Create a new LI HTML element out of the
// current value (in the iteration) and then
// add this value to the list.
jList.append($(+ objValue +));
<a class="thumb" href="" title="Title #13"><img src="" alt="Title #13" /></a>
<div class="caption">
<div class="download">
<a href="">Download Original</a>
<div class="image-title">Title #13</div>
<div class="image-desc">Description</div>