我希望将 MS Excel 电子表格转换为 LibreOffice Calc 电子表格。
Excel 文件包含一个 VBA 宏,它遍历用户选择的一系列单元格,Visual Basic 代码如下所示:
For Each Value In Selection
' Manipulate Value
Next Value
所以,我的问题是:如何在 Libre Basic 中重现这一点,访问用户选择的单元格范围?
我希望将 MS Excel 电子表格转换为 LibreOffice Calc 电子表格。
Excel 文件包含一个 VBA 宏,它遍历用户选择的一系列单元格,Visual Basic 代码如下所示:
For Each Value In Selection
' Manipulate Value
Next Value
所以,我的问题是:如何在 Libre Basic 中重现这一点,访问用户选择的单元格范围?
Sub Learn
Dim myController as Object, myRange as Object
Dim Tmp as Integer
Dim i, j
myController = ThisComponent.getCurrentController()
myRange = myController.getSelection().getDataArray()
'additional info that we can use
print myRange.AbsoluteName
print myRange.RangeAddress.StartColumn
print myRange.RangeAddress.StartRow
Tmp = 0
For Each i in myRange
For Each j in i
Tmp = Tmp + j
Next j
Next i
print Tmp
End Sub
Sub Learn2
Dim myController as Object, myRange as Object
Dim newRange(0, 0)
Dim Tmp as Integer
Dim i, j, col, row
myController = ThisComponent.getCurrentController()
myRange = myController.getSelection().getDataArray()
Redim newRange(UBound(myRange, 1), UBound(myRange(0), 1))
row = 0
col = 0
For row = 0 to UBound(myRange, 1)
For col = 0 to UBound(myRange(0), 1)
newRange(row, col) = myRange(row)(col) * 2
Next col
Next row
End Sub