我是 COBOL 编程的新手,我在可能应该是微不足道的事情上遇到困难。我想找到用户输入的最小值和最大值。当用户点击 0 时,应显示最大值、最小值和平均值。平均值很简单,但最小值和最大值让我想知道。如果这是 JAVA 或其他语言,我会做一些比较 MAX INT 值的场景。不幸的是 COBOL 中的 High-Value 和 Low-Value 不是整数值????所以我决定把用户的条目放在一个表中,然后使用内部函数来做我需要的事情。但是,一旦我尝试这样计算:
compute Min-Result = Function Min (Num-Field(ALL))
我收到一条错误消息,上面写着“语法错误,全部出乎意料”。在这一点上,我完全不知道该怎么做以及为什么会出现此错误。我正在使用 OpenCOBOL 1.1 Mingw。这是我的完整代码。任何帮助将不胜感激。什么都可以。我还确保没有超过 72 行。
identification division.
program-id. lab1a.
* no envionrment division since there are no files needed, etc.
data division.
working-storage section.
* declaring proper variables to store integer values
01 Max-Result PIC S9(5).
01 Min-Result PIC S9(5).
01 Count-Val PIC 9 Value 0.
01 Running-Tot PIC S9(10)v99.
01 First-Zero PIC 9 Value 1.
01 Final-Format-Avg PIC ZZZZZ9.9999.
01 Avg-Ent PIC S9(5)v9999.
01 Calc-Table.
03 Table-Record Occurs 1 to 500 times
depending on Entered-Num.
05 Num-Field PIC S9(5).
01 Entered-Num PIC S9(5).
procedure division.
perform with test after until Entered-Num = 0
display "Enter a 4-digit number (0 to stop): "
with no advancing
accept Entered-Num
add 1 to Count-Val
add Entered-Num to Running-Tot
display Running-Tot
display Count-Val
move Entered-Num to Num-Field(Count-Val)
* this way every time the user enters a non zero number it will be re-assigned
* to the variable Ending-Num. If they enter zero the if condition is skipped, the
* loop condition is tested at the top and is ended.
subtract 1 from Count-Val
display Count-Val
display " "
display " "
Divide Running-Tot By Count-Val Giving Avg-Ent
move Avg-Ent to Final-Format-Avg
*******WHY DOES THIS NOT WORK???????***********************
compute Min-Result = Function Min (Num-Field(ALL))
compute Max-Result = Function Max (Num-Field(ALL))
if First-Zero = 0
display "The first number you entered was zero.
& Next time enter a different one."
display "The lowest value entered: " Min-Result
display "The highest value entered: " Max-Result
display "The average value entered: "
stop run.