我有 2 张桌子:
NULL NULL Cat.XX 23 Cow.XX 87
NULL NULL Tiger.XX 99 Elephant.XX
Column1 和 Column2 是 ID 号,分别与 column3 和 column4 中的值相关联。
84048713 Cat.XX 23 Blah1 Blah2 Blah3 Blah4
44008714 Elephant.XX 77 Blah1 Blah2 Blah3 Blah4
64038715 Cow.XX 87 Blah1 Blah2 Blah3 Blah4
34058716 Tiger.XX 99 Blah1 Blah2 Blah3 Blah4
74038717 Zebra.XX 34 Blah1 Blah2 Blah3 Blah4
94098719 Whale.XX 47 Blah1 Blah2 Blah3 Blah4
我想用适当的 ID 号更新 table1 中的每一行。生成的 table1 应如下所示:
84048713 64038715 Cat.XX 23 Cow.XX 87
34058716 44008714 Tiger.XX 99 Elephant.XX
我尝试了使用 select、where 和 select replace 的各种组合(我使用 replace 是因为包含动物名称的字段中有空格)。例如,我尝试了以下操作:
select IDs from table2 where
(select replace("Name", ' ', '') from table2
(select replace("Name", ' ', '') from table1)
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.