I am linking few excel and word files with my application. There is a predefined folder structure that holds all these files. i.e.



and so on.

Now I want to link the "Base" folder with my application.

My current stupid solution is, to ask user to browse to the "Base" folder every time the application loads.

  • What is the most efficient way to do this?

  • In the end I want to create an installer for my application. I wish to use Windows "Program Files" folder to host my folder structure. This way users do not have to search for the "Base" folder. How do I do this?

I am new to VB.NET.


1 回答 1


You want the All Users Application Data folder:


There is also a per-User Application Data folder that you can reference. Which you need depends on what you're doing.

于 2013-02-05T18:03:10.530 回答