akka doc (http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.1.0/scala/camel.html) shows that camel procedure is an actor:

class Orders extends Actor with Producer with Oneway {
    def endpointUri = "jms:queue:Orders"

val sys = ActorSystem("some-system")
val orders = sys.actorOf(Props[Orders])

what are the differences between a camel producer and a regular actor, for example, does producer has mailbox and dispatcher, which i can set in my code?


1 回答 1


生产者只是具有邮箱和调度程序的常规 Actor,但具有将接收到的消息发送到配置的端点的预定义行为。

于 2013-02-07T19:34:30.800 回答