我有一个基于 WCF 的 Web 服务,在该方法中我正在执行一个存储过程并填充数据集,然后最后返回数据集......就像一列和多行一样。但是我的要求现在不同了,因为我通过其他一些产品调用这个 web 服务,它期望像这样基于 XML 的输出。(它是一个示例 XML 格式)但我想要以相同的方式。那么我如何生成 xml 并将其返回..如果有人可以在给定的代码中进行更正,我将不胜感激,因为我不是 XML 人,这是我第一次处理 XML。我想要一些东西


我想遵循的示例 XML 格式。


public DataSet getRequisitionApprovers(string pEmail, string pLocationType)
            //Read Datasource properties from Web.config file to access Oracle EBS Database 
            string SDataSource = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLDataSource"].ToString();
            string SUserID = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLUserID"].ToString();
            string SPassword = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SQLPassword"].ToString();

            //Build connection string based on retrieved parameters from web.config file
            string connectionString = "Data Source=" + SDataSource + ";Persist Security Info=True;" + "User ID=" + SUserID + ";Password=" + SPassword;

            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection())
                connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;

                SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();

                command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                // Name of procedure or function to be execu
                command.CommandText = "Get_RequisitionApprovers";

                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("theEmail", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = pEmail;
                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("LocationType", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = pLocationType;

                //Create New DataSET & DataTable
                DataSet dsApprovers = new DataSet();
                DataTable dtApprovers = new DataTable();

                //Create DataTable Columns and define the data type 
                dtApprovers.Columns.Add("Approver1", typeof(string));

                //Add DataTable to DataSource

                SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                while (reader.Read())
                    //Create new Data Row
                    DataRow theRow = dsApprovers.Tables[0].NewRow();

                    theRow[0] = reader[0].ToString() ;   //Add -> Approver


                return dsApprovers;

1 回答 1




剩下的就是设置 WCF 服务并定义WebMethod从您的DataTable.

设置 WebService 后,定义 WebMethod 并返回 XML,如下所示:

//StringWriter requires System.IO
using System.IO;

//This are hypothetical Class and WebMethod names, of course
public class RequisitionApprovers : System.Web.Services.WebService
    public string ReturnRequisitionApproversAsXMLString(DataSet ds)
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        ds.WriteXml(writer, XmlWriteMode.IgnoreSchema);
        string xmlResult = writer.ToString();

        return xmlResult;

现在剩下的就是在需要的地方从 xml 字符串中删除 "\r\n" 和空格,最后你会得到一个干净的 xml 字符串来WebMethod返回。

于 2013-02-05T17:16:21.557 回答