I am trying to setup test automation. I would like to run several different sets of IOMeter tests without individually hitting go for all of them. How do I do that using Python? If you know a different method, that would work too. I just have the rest of the test automation setup with Python.

Side note: can IOMeter record data every 5 seconds for a 30min test?


1 回答 1


您可以在 IOmeter PC 上创建以下批处理文件,然后从远程 PC 运行它:


@echo off
SET sessionid=%1

cd <path-to-iometer>\iometer
psexec \\localhost -i %sessionid% -accepteula -u <domain>\<user> -p <password> cmd /c "<path-to-iometer>\IOmeter.exe" <path-to-iometer>iometer.icf <path-to-iometer>results.csv

@echo on

注意 (1):您需要在 IOmeter PC 上安装最新的psexec版本

注意(2):要获取 windows 桌面的会话 ID,您需要运行

query session

在 CMD 中

如果我没记错的话,每 5 秒记录一次是在最后 1.1.0 中实现的

于 2014-11-09T16:43:58.643 回答