I am writing a C# application that interfaces with SQL Server CE, but I have encountered one of the many limitations that CE has.

My database has the tables Customer, List, and CustomerList. Customers can be subscribed to many lists and lists can have many customers - so I have the customerlist table as a junction table (columns are CustomerListId, CustomerId, ListId - that's all).

The design is that we have a master list that will always have every customer listed in it.

So in my code I am writing a function that sets all the listed customers to be subscribed to the master list. This is my very simple SQL query:

insert into customerlist (CustomerId, ListId)
values (
(select customerid from customer),
(select 1 from list where ShortDesc='Master'))

This query does not work in SQL Server CE and I am racking my brains trying to find an alternative that does not involve a painful for-each row-by-row code. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


2 回答 2



INSERT INTO  customerlist (CustomerId, ListId) 
SELECT customerid,1  FROM customer



于 2013-02-05T13:38:54.133 回答


我首先做了一个获取主列表 ID 的 C# cmd。

string sqlGetId = "select listid from list where ShortDesc='Master'";
SqlCeCommand cmdGetMasterId = new SqlCeCommand(sqlGetId, DbConnection.ceConnection);
int key = (int)cmdGetMasterId.ExecuteScalar();


sql2 = "insert into customerlist (CustomerId, ListId) select customerid, " + key + " from customer";
cmd2 = new SqlCeCommand(sql2, DbConnection.ceConnection);

我意识到添加带参数的 SQL 命令总是比连接更好 - 但由于此应用程序的范围,SQL 注入不是问题。


于 2013-02-05T14:20:49.837 回答