
但是,对于 VB.NET,该CType操作不能以这种方式工作(或任何其他转换函数,如CShortand CInteger)。当您尝试转换高于所需有符号类型最大值的无符号值时,它会抛出一个OverflowException而不是返回一个负数。例如:

Dim x As UShort = UShort.MaxValue
Dim y As Short = CShort(x)  ' Throws OverflowException


Dim x As UShort = UShort.MaxValue
Dim y As Short = DirectCast(x, Short)  ' Won't compile: "Value of type 'UShort' cannot be converted to 'Short'


Dim x As UShort = UShort.MaxValue
Dim y As Short = BitConverter.ToInt16(BitConverter.GetBytes(x), 0)  ' y gets set to -1

就像我说的那样,这行得通,但是如果在 VB.NET 中有更简单、更清洁的方法,我很想知道它是什么。


11 回答 11


如果你经常使用它,那么持续使用BitConverter会有点不方便——尤其是在性能方面。如果那是我,我会非常想在 C# 中添加一个可以进行直接转换的实用程序库(通过unchecked,尽管unchecked通常是 C# 中的默认值,并为此引用该库。另一种选择可能是滥用“联合”结构;以下应该很容易转换为VB:

struct EvilUnion
    [FieldOffset(0)] public int Int32;
    [FieldOffset(0)] public uint UInt32;
var evil = new EvilUnion();
evil.Int32 = -123;
var converted = evil.UInt32;


Structure EvilUnion
    Public Int32 As Integer
    Public UInt32 As UInteger
End Structure
Dim evil As New EvilUnion
evil.Int32 = -123
Dim converted = evil.UInt32
于 2013-02-05T13:50:33.287 回答

回到 VB6 时代,我们不得不一直编写这样的例程:

Private Function ToShort(ByVal us As UShort) As Short
   If (us And &H8000) = 0 Then
      Return CType(us, Short)
      Return CType(CType(us, Integer) - UShort.MaxValue - 1, Short)
   End If
End Function

至少在 .NET 中,您可以创建一个扩展方法,使其更好地通过

于 2013-02-05T14:16:32.777 回答


Public Function PutSign(ByVal number As UShort) As Short
    If number > 32768 Then 'negative number
        Return (65536 - number) * -1
        Return number
    End If
End Function
于 2015-03-23T14:08:46.287 回答


对于 32 位

    Dim uVal32 As UInt32 = 3000000000
    Dim Val32 As Int32 = Convert.ToInt32(uVal32.ToString("X8"), 16)

val32 结束 = -1294967296

对于 16 位

    Dim uVal16 As UInt16 = 60000
    Dim Val16 As Int16 = Convert.ToInt16(uVal16.ToString("X4"), 16)

val16 结束 = -5536

于 2015-08-19T19:54:43.003 回答

我发现了这个:??问题类型转换在 VB.NET??



Dim unsigned as UInt16 = 40000
Dim signed as Int16 = CShort(Val("&H" & Hex(unsigned)))


于 2015-09-23T16:02:15.813 回答

我刚刚也遇到了这个问题并且不喜欢 BitConverter 方法,因为它似乎不是很优化。因此,我认为对于 int 和 uint,内存中数据的存储实际上只有 4 个字节。

以下似乎是处理此问题的最有效方法,并且适用于所有可以使用 Marshal 类的 .NET 语言...

Dim x as UInteger = &H87654321
Dim gch as GCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(x, Pinned)
Dim y as Integer = Marshal.ReadInt32(gch.AddrOfPinnedObject)


于 2016-08-23T17:57:01.550 回答

通常,这将使用高级语言中的流来完成,但 .Net 框架公开了一种方法,无需使用 Marshal 的中间流对象。

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim given As Int16 = -20
        Dim buffer As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(given))
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(given, buffer, False)
        Dim result As UInt16 = Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, GetType(UInt16))
    End Sub
End Module

令我惊讶的是,根据我得到的统计数据,使用 Marshal 似乎比使用 Math 更有效

4 seconds of v1 yielded: 2358173 conversions
4 seconds of v2 yielded: 4069878 conversions


Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Module Module1
    Function v1(given As Int16) As UInt16
        Dim buffer As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(given))
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(given, buffer, False)
        Dim result As UInt16 = Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, GetType(UInt16))
        v1 = result
    End Function

    Function v2(given As Int16) As UInt16
        If given < 0 Then
            given = (Not given) + 1
        End If
        v2 = given
    End Function

    Sub Main()
        Dim total0 As Integer
        Dim total1 As Integer
        Dim t0 As DateTime = DateTime.Now()
        While ((DateTime.Now() - t0).TotalSeconds() < 4)
            v1(-Rnd() * Int16.MaxValue)
            total0 = total0 + 1
        End While

        Console.WriteLine("4 seconds of v1 yielded: " & total0 & " conversions")
        t0 = DateTime.Now()
        While ((DateTime.Now() - t0).TotalSeconds() < 4)
            v2(-Rnd() * Int16.MaxValue)
            total1 = total1 + 1
        End While
        Console.WriteLine("4 seconds of v2 yielded: " & total1 & " conversions")

    End Sub

End Module

更奇怪的是,Marshal 方法似乎与 C# 样式转换一样有效,可以忽略不计。在我的第一次运行中,marshal 方法较慢,但在第二次运行中,marshal 方法更快。这是第二次运行的结果

4 seconds of v1 yielded: 1503403 conversions
4 seconds of v2 yielded: 1240585 conversions
4 seconds of v3 yielded: 1592731 conversions


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Program
    static DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;        

    static double time {
        get {
            return (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds;
    static ushort v1(short given) {
        if (given > 0) {
            return (ushort)given;
        return (ushort)(~given + 1);

    static ushort v2(short given) {
        var buffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(given));
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(given, buffer, false);
        ushort result = (ushort)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(ushort));
        return result;

    static ushort v3(short given)
        return (ushort)given;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        int total0 = 0;
        int total1 = 0;
        int total2 = 0;
        double t0;

        t0 = time;
        while (time - t0 < 4000) {
            v1((short)(-new Random().NextDouble() * Int16.MaxValue));

        Console.WriteLine("4 seconds of v1 yielded: " + total0 + " conversions");

        t0 = time;
        while (time - t0 < 4000) {
            v2((short)(-new Random().NextDouble() * Int16.MaxValue));
        Console.WriteLine("4 seconds of v2 yielded: " + total1 + " conversions");

        t0 = time;
        while (time - t0 < 4000) {
            v3((short)(-new Random().NextDouble() * Int16.MaxValue));
        Console.WriteLine("4 seconds of v3 yielded: " + total2 + " conversions");



// ConsoleApplication3.cpp : main project file.

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

unsigned __int16 v4(__int16 given) {
    return (unsigned __int16)given;

public ref class Program
    static DateTime startTime = DateTime::Now;

    static property double time {
        double get() {
            return (DateTime::Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds;

    static UInt16 v1(Int16 given) {
        if (given > 0) {
            return given;
        return (UInt16)(~given + 1);

    static UInt16 v2(Int16 given) {
        IntPtr buffer = Marshal::AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal::SizeOf(given));
        Marshal::StructureToPtr(given, buffer, false);
        Type ^t = UInt16::typeid;
        UInt16 result = (UInt16)Marshal::PtrToStructure(buffer, t);
        return result;

    static UInt16 v3(Int16 given)
        return (UInt16)given;

    typedef String ^string;
    static void _Main(array<string> ^args)
        int total0 = 0;
        int total1 = 0;
        int total2 = 0;
        int total3 = 0;
        double t0;

        t0 = time;
        while (time - t0 < 4000) {
            Double d = (gcnew Random())->NextDouble();
            v1((short)(-d * Int16::MaxValue));

        Console::WriteLine("4 seconds of v1 yielded: " + total0 + " conversions");

        t0 = time;
        while (time - t0 < 4000) {
            v2((short)(-((gcnew Random())->NextDouble()) * Int16::MaxValue));
        Console::WriteLine("4 seconds of v2 yielded: " + total1 + " conversions");

        t0 = time;
        while (time - t0 < 4000) {
            v3((short)(-((gcnew Random())->NextDouble()) * Int16::MaxValue));
        Console::WriteLine("4 seconds of v3 yielded: " + total2 + " conversions");

        t0 = time;
        while (time - t0 < 4000) {
            v4((short)(-((gcnew Random())->NextDouble()) * Int16::MaxValue));
        Console::WriteLine("4 seconds of v4 yielded: " + total3 + " conversions");


int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    return 0;


4 seconds of v1 yielded: 1417901 conversions
4 seconds of v2 yielded: 967417 conversions
4 seconds of v3 yielded: 1624141 conversions
4 seconds of v4 yielded: 1627827 conversions
于 2018-05-29T06:08:56.827 回答

作为对 Marc Gravell 回答的补充,如果您想知道如何在头脑中做到这一点:


<unsigned_type> value = unchecked(<unsigned_type>.MaxValue + your_minus_value + 1);


public uint int2uint(int a)
    int sign = Math.Sign(a);
    uint val = (uint) Math.Abs(a);

    uint unsignedValue;
    if(sign > 0) // +a
        unsignedValue = unchecked(UInt32.MaxValue + val + 1);
    else // -a, a=0
        unsignedValue = unchecked(UInt32.MaxValue - val + 1);

    return unsignedValue;


BigInt mentalResult= <unsigned_type>.MaxValue + your_value;
mentalResult = mentalResult % <unsigned_type>.MaxValue;
if (your_value < 0) // your_value is a minus value

// mentalResult is now the value you search
于 2015-11-12T09:55:23.810 回答


Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Module SignConversionExtensions

    <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)> _
    Private Structure Union
        <FieldOffset(0)> Public Int16 As Int16
        <FieldOffset(0)> Public UInt16 As UInt16
    End Structure

    <Extension()> Public Function ToSigned(ByVal n As UInt16) As Int16
        Return New Union() With {.UInt16 = n}.Int16
    End Function

    <Extension()> Public Function ToUnsigned(ByVal n As Int16) As UInt16
        Return New Union() With {.Int16 = n}.UInt16
    End Function

End Module


Dim x As UShort = UShort.MaxValue  ' unsigned x = 0xFFFF (65535)
Dim y As Short = x.ToSigned        ' signed y = 0xFFFF (-1)
于 2018-07-02T15:56:50.280 回答

在下面的这个例子中,Marc Gravell 的答案被扩展以证明在 VB 中的有用性:

Structure vbUnion16
    Public UnSigned16 As UInt16
    Public Signed16 As Int16
    Public High8 As Byte
    Public Low8 As Byte
End Structure


由于操作是“访问”而不是“转换”,因此非常快速、精简和高效(参见成员对 Marc 帖子的评论)。


于 2019-02-20T10:50:56.820 回答

不了解 VB,但我希望它类似于 C#,因为它是 .NET 代码。在 C# 中,您可以简单地使用类型转换:

UInt16 ui = 65000;
Int16   i = (Int16)ui;


于 2017-01-25T15:28:50.810 回答